A sample application that uses Open Liberty to connect to IBM MQ to enqueue & dequeue messages.
Updated to use Jakarta 9.1 and IBM MQ 9.3
For this project you'll need to install the following requirements:
- JDK 17 (or later) - E.g. Temurim
- Latest Maven, it must be Java 17 compatible - https://maven.apache.org/install.html
- Docker
Pull and start the IBM MQ docker container:
docker pull icr.io/ibm-messaging/mq:latest
docker run --env LICENSE=accept \
--env MQ_QMGR_NAME=QM1 \
--publish 1414:1414 \
--detach \
--env MQ_APP_PASSWORD=passw0rd \
--name QM1 icr.io/ibm-messaging/mq:latest
Since new MQ images will be published to IBM's registry.
Install the dependencies and start OpenLiberty:
mvn install
mvn liberty:dev
Once the server is running, send a message to the queue:
curl -X POST -d 'msg=test message' http://localhost:9080/libertymq/api/enqueue
Implementation / tests performed with the latest/LTS versions of all components:
- openjdk 17.0.3 2022-04-19
- Jakarta EE 9.1
- Apache Maven 3.8.6
- OpenLibery
- IBM MQ & Resource Adapter
ℹ️ For convenience I'm versioning the adapter here. But you should get your specific version from Fix Central, following guidelines such as in this procedure for your particular version.