currently focuses on generating documentation for GitLab CI/CD components.
For an example, check out the labdoc
component documentation, which is generated with labdoc
In the future, the focus might shift to generating documentation for GitLab CI/CD Pipelines in general.
brew install erNail/tap/labdoc
Check the releases for the available binaries.
Download the correct binary and add it to your $PATH
go install
docker pull ernail/labdoc:<LATEST_GITHUB_RELEASE_VERSION>
Check out this repository and run the following:
go build
Add the resulting binary to your $PATH
currently expects all your CI/CD components to be in a directory, with all files on the root level.
By default, labdoc
will use the templates
The documentation is generated from the spec.inputs.*.description
and from the comments above the spec
and the job keywords. Below is a minimal example:
# This comment will be used as description for the component
description: "This is used as description for the input"
description: >-
This is a multiline input.
Since this output is used in a table, the `>-` is used to remove any newline characters
# This comment will be used as description for the job
script: "echo Hello"
labdoc generate --repoUrl
This will generate a
in the templates
The --repoUrl
flag is required to generate the instructions on how to include your components.
labdoc generate --repoUrl --outputFile my/custom/path/
labdoc generate --repoUrl --componentDir my-components
labdoc generate --repoUrl --check
This command will not write the documentation to a file. It will only check if there is already a documentation, and if the content would change.
If the content remains unchanged, the command will exit with code 0. If there is no documentation, or the existing documentation would change, the command will exit with code 2.
labdoc generate --repoUrl --version 1.0.0
By default, labdoc
will generate instructions on how to include your component in other CI/CD pipelines.
If no version is specified, it will use latest
as the version to use for the include.
By default, labdoc
will generate documentation based on the
documentation template located in this repository.
You can create your own template and use it to generate documentation.
Simply create a file that uses Go Templating syntax and the type ComponentDocumentation
then run the following:
labdoc generate --repoUrl --template templates/
For more details about the labdoc
command, run the following:
labdoc -h
You can run labdoc
via pre-commit
Add the following to your .pre-commit-config.yml
- repo: ""
- id: "labdoc-generate"
- ""
currently only supports reading CI/CD component files from a directory with all files on the root level. These file names will be used as the component names.labdoc
currently expects all components to definespec:inputs
and at least one job. Not defining one or the other can lead to unwanted behavior.- As a result of this,
is currently not able to handle components that only include other components or GitLab CI/CD files.
Please check the open GitHub Issues to get an overview of the planned features.
To use all of the functionality listed below, you need to install all dependencies listed in the dev container setup script. If you are using this repositories dev container, you already have all dependencies installed.
task test
task lint
task run -- --help
task run-generate
task build
task build-image
task test-github-actions
task release-test