Initial alpha release with manual image cleanup
What's Changed
- list images by @ashnamehrotra in #1
- added flags and daemonset by @ashnamehrotra in #2
- Add CI for lint and unit tests by @AldairCoronel in #21
- fix: Rename golangci.yaml to .golangci.yaml by @AldairCoronel in #26
- Initial implementation of CRDs and controllers by @ashnamehrotra in #17
- refactor eraser before testing changes by @ashnamehrotra in #30
- Imagejob controller by @ashnamehrotra in #18
- bugFixes: autogenerate imagejob name, fix docker build in makefile by @ashnamehrotra in #44
- Add Unit Tests for Eraser by @AldairCoronel in #31
- Change image status crd by @ashnamehrotra in #43
- remove kube-rbac-proxy by @ashnamehrotra in #36
- Makefile: build eraser fixes by @ashnamehrotra in #54
- Cache all the things by @cpuguy83 in #56
- Documentation by @ashnamehrotra in #53
- Image status by @ashnamehrotra in #52
- delete eraser debug code by @ashnamehrotra in #55
- Change CRDs to be cluster scoped by @AldairCoronel in #62
- Check if pod fits on node before scheduling by @AldairCoronel in #63
- Change registry by @ashnamehrotra in #45
- ImageJob Controller: Add resources request and limits for eraser pods by @AldairCoronel in #59
- test: add e2e test framework and pipeline by @helayoty in #74
- update linters and fix issues by @sozercan in #76
- chore: add dependabot by @sozercan in #79
- chore: generate manifest by @sozercan in #75
- chore: pr and issue templates by @sozercan in #78
- chore: update dependencies by @sozercan in #83
- Do not use extra module for pkg/eraser by @cpuguy83 in #85
- update logging by @sozercan in #86
- Cleanup pods when job is complete by @cpuguy83 in #88
- update client by @sozercan in #87
- update for existing imagestatus by @sozercan in #89
- set eraser image by @sozercan in #91
- Add image prune by @cpuguy83 in #84
- chore: bump go.uber.org/zap from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 by @dependabot in #92
- chore: bump sigs.k8s.io/e2e-framework from 0.0.5 to 0.0.6 by @dependabot in #94
- chore: bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.38.0 to 1.38.1 by @dependabot in #93
- imagelist as singleton by @sozercan in #99
- fix imagelist and imagejob resource errors by @sozercan in #106
- update release ci by @sozercan in #97
- Remove imagestatus by @cpuguy83 in #107
- Prepare v0.1.0 release by @sozercan in #109
- chore: bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1 by @dependabot in #112
- Configure eraser pod log by @cpuguy83 in #111
- update readme by @sozercan in #110
- lowercase repo name by @sozercan in #116
New Contributors
- @AldairCoronel made their first contribution in #21
- @helayoty made their first contribution in #74
Full Changelog: https://github.com/Azure/eraser/commits/v0.1.0