- multi-threaded using thread pool
- support for GET requests only
- support for static content only
- support for mime types
- support for 200, 206 and 404 HTTP response status codes
- support for single range HTTP GET requests (RFC 2616)
clone repository from github
$ git clone https://github.com/ercchy/simpleHttpServer.git simpleHttpServer
create virtual enviroment
$ virtualenv simpleserver $ source simpleserver/bin/activate
install requirements for server
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
run tests to check if eveything is OK
$ nosetests .
run server
$ python run.py
open latest Chrome browser
- open url: http://localhost:5555/test_1.txt
- open url: http://localhost:5555/test_2.html
- open url: http://localhost:5555/test_3.html
everything works?
copy larger mp4 video file to static_files folder
- rename file to test_5.mp4
- open url: http://localhost:5555/test_5.mp4
- video should start streaming beautifully
- move video timeline to different position
- see how nicely simple HTTP server handles range requests
- Command line parameters for run.py
- Add dynamic url routes and views
- Templating
- And so much more ...