This is a math proof verifier. It's basically a markup language for writing proofs + a verification engine to verify them. It also provides an accessible software interface to interact with proof entities so that you can have fun too.
I assume you have python 3 already set up and added to PATH. If you need help with that check this out. After installling python execute the following commands:
python -m pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
to install the lexer and parser for the language component.python <filename>
is how you use it.
You are ready to roll. I should probably write some sort of tutorial and documentation for it, which I maybe will do if you bug me at [email protected]. Jokes aside, feel free to contact me.
I recently presented this project at University of Toronto (I built this in a research program for high school students there). Here are the slides. I'd suggest you check them out, because they have nice diagrams and are pretty self-explanatory. If you have questions feel free to send them and I'll make an FAQ section.