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Statecheck Plugin for GLPI

This plugin let you check the validity of form fields. For instance you can make a field mandatory or not, depending on some value in another field

For that purpose, you define one or more rules :

  • a rule is related to 1 inventory class (computer, dataflow, ...) and depends on the value of 1 field (= 1 state) in this class (f.i a type or category value)
  • for each rule, you can specify other conditions for a rule to be fired (f.i the value of another field must contain or start with a certain value)
  • for each rule, you specify which check is performed (f.i yet another field may not be empty, or must comply with a regular expression)

Several rules may be defined for 1 state, with different supplementary conditions.

To use the statecheck plugin :

  1. In the menu Dropdowns->Statecheck->Tables, define the object class on which you want to perform checks :
  • Name : the DB table name in which your objects are stored
  • Class : the PHP class name
  • State table: the DB table name in which the "states" are defined
  • State class : the PHP class name of this State table
  • Frontname : the form name (that is : the last part of the URL path - without the php suffix - where you insert/update/delete objects)
  1. Create some rules in glpi via the menu Administration->Statecheck Rules

For instance, you may decide that, depending on the field "Status", you want to check some field values of a dataflow form.
If you want to create a rule for checking that

  • a dataflow with a defined value "Tibco" in the field "Protocol",
  • when its status is "In specification",
  • must have some value in the fields "Name" and "Flow Group",

you must perform the following steps :

  1. Create an entry in the configuration table to define once the dataflow object, via the menu Dropdowns->Statecheck->Tables : see screenshot example1
  2. Create the rule, via the menu Administration->Statecheck Rules->+ : the target state is "In specification" ; see screenshot example2
  3. Create the additional criteria on the field "Protocol", via the tab "Criteria" and "Add a new criteria" : see screenshot example3
  4. Specify the checks, via the tab "Actions" and "Add a new check" : "Name" is not empty and "Flow Group" is not emty ; see screenshot example4

You may define several rules, that will apply to one form.
For instance, you may decide that any dataflow in the status "In specification" must have the fields "Protocol" and "Description" filled (even if the protocol is not "Tibco").
To perform the creation of this rule, you repeat the steps 2 and 4 only, because

  • step 1 must only be performed once per object type (class)
  • step 3 has no additional criteria (the rule applies for all dataflows in status "In specification").


  • step 2 is not very different than example2 (you change only the name and the comment)
  • in step 4, you create 2 actions : "Protocol" is not empty and "Description" is not empty.

The final result, applying both rules, is shown in example5 : the mandatory fields are highlighted in red
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Plugins Integrations

  • Statecheck provides an hook that can be called from other plugins to checks its own rules and fire them. It returns an object with the result.
  • Statecheck provides an integration with Custom Object Plugin: if the Custom Object Plugin is installed and active, if the frontname is object, then Statecheck reads the classname provided in the itemtype parameter.