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Refactor and cleanup some of the code (#40)
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* improve some names

* rename

* remove unnecessary gotos

* reorder

* richer intermediate step

* wip

* use enum codes

* comment

* bump
  • Loading branch information
ericphanson authored Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 548a7d3 commit f166f50
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Showing 3 changed files with 107 additions and 71 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ExplicitImports"
uuid = "7d51a73a-1435-4ff3-83d9-f097790105c7"
authors = ["Eric P. Hanson"]
version = "1.4.2"
version = "1.4.3"

AbstractTrees = "1520ce14-60c1-5f80-bbc7-55ef81b5835c"
Expand Down
148 changes: 92 additions & 56 deletions src/get_names_used.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function is_anonymous_function_definition_arg(leaf)
return child_index(get_parent(leaf, 3)) == 2
elseif parents_match(leaf, (K"::",))
# we must be on the LHS, otherwise we're a type
is_hastype_LHS(leaf) || return false
is_double_colon_LHS(leaf) || return false
# Ok, let's just step up one level and see again
return is_anonymous_function_definition_arg(parent(leaf))
elseif parents_match(leaf, (K"=",))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,10 +92,10 @@ function is_struct_field_name(leaf)
kind(leaf) == K"Identifier" || return false
if parents_match(leaf, (K"::", K"block", K"struct"))
# we want to be on the LHS of the `::`
return is_hastype_LHS(leaf)
return is_double_colon_LHS(leaf)
elseif parents_match(leaf, (K"::", K"=", K"block", K"struct"))
# if we are in a `Base.@kwdef`, we may be on the LHS of an `=`
return is_hastype_LHS(leaf) && child_index(parent(leaf)) == 1
return is_double_colon_LHS(leaf) && child_index(parent(leaf)) == 1
return false
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function is_non_anonymous_function_definition_arg(leaf)
return is_non_anonymous_function_definition_arg(parent(leaf))
elseif parents_match(leaf, (K"::",))
# we must be on the LHS, otherwise we're a type
is_hastype_LHS(leaf) || return false
is_double_colon_LHS(leaf) || return false
# Ok, let's just step up one level and see again
return is_non_anonymous_function_definition_arg(parent(leaf))
Expand All @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ function is_non_anonymous_function_definition_arg(leaf)

# matches `x` in `x::Y`, but not `Y`, nor `foo(::Y)`
function is_hastype_LHS(leaf)
function is_double_colon_LHS(leaf)
parents_match(leaf, (K"::",)) || return false
unary = has_flags(get_parent(leaf), JuliaSyntax.PREFIX_OP_FLAG)
unary && return false
Expand All @@ -168,13 +168,13 @@ end

# Here we use the magic of AbstractTrees' `TreeCursor` so we can start at
# a leaf and follow the parents up to see what scopes our leaf is in.
# TODO- cleanup with parsing utilities (?)
# TODO- cleanup. This basically has two jobs: check is function arg etc, and figure out the scope/module path.
# We could do these two things separately for more clarity.
function analyze_name(leaf; debug=false)
# Ok, we have a "name". Let us work our way up and try to figure out if it is in local scope or not
function_arg = is_function_definition_arg(leaf)
struct_arg = is_struct_type_param(leaf) || is_struct_field_name(leaf)
for_arg = is_for_arg(leaf)
global_scope = !function_arg && !struct_arg && !for_arg
struct_field_or_type_param = is_struct_type_param(leaf) || is_struct_field_name(leaf)
for_loop_index = is_for_arg(leaf)
module_path = Symbol[]
scope_path = JuliaSyntax.SyntaxNode[]
is_assignment = false
Expand All @@ -189,12 +189,10 @@ function analyze_name(leaf; debug=false)

debug && println(val, ": ", k)
if k in (K"let", K"for", K"function", K"struct")
global_scope = false
push!(scope_path, nodevalue(node).node)
# try to detect presence in RHS of inline function definition
elseif idx > 3 && k == K"=" && !isempty(args) &&
kind(first(args)) == K"call"
global_scope = false
push!(scope_path, nodevalue(node).node)

Expand All @@ -216,16 +214,16 @@ function analyze_name(leaf; debug=false)
kids = children(nodevalue(node))
if !isempty(kids)
c = first(kids)
is_assignment = c == nodevalue(leaf)
is_assignment |= c == nodevalue(leaf)

node = parent(node)

# finished climbing to the root
node === nothing &&
return (; function_arg, global_scope, is_assignment, module_path, scope_path,
struct_arg, for_arg)
return (; function_arg, is_assignment, module_path, scope_path,
struct_field_or_type_param, for_loop_index)
idx += 1
Expand All @@ -252,10 +250,10 @@ function analyze_all_names(file; debug=false)

per_usage_info = @NamedTuple{name::Symbol,qualified::Bool,import_type::Symbol,

# we need to keep track of all names that we see, because we could
# miss entire modules if it is an `include` we cannot follow.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,63 +305,101 @@ function analyze_all_names(file; debug=false)
(; name, qualified, import_type, location, ret...,))
untainted_modules = setdiff!(seen_modules, tainted_modules)
return per_usage_info, untainted_modules
return analyze_per_usage_info(per_usage_info), untainted_modules

function get_global_names(per_usage_info)
function is_name_internal_in_higher_local_scope(name, scope_path, seen)
# We will recurse up the `scope_path`. Note the order is "reversed",
# so the first entry of `scope_path` is deepest.

while !isempty(scope_path)
# First, if we are directly in a module, then we don't want to recurse further.
# We will just end up in a different module.
if kind(first(scope_path)) == K"module"
return false
# Ok, now pop off the first scope and check.
scope_path = scope_path[2:end]
ret = get(seen, (; name, scope_path), nothing)
if ret === nothing
# Not introduced here yet, trying recursing further
# return value is `is_global`, so negate it
return !ret
# Did not find a local introduction
return false

@enum AnalysisCode IgnoredNonFirst IgnoredQualified IgnoredImportRHS InternalHigherScope InternalFunctionArg InternalAssignment InternalStruct InternalForLoop External

function analyze_per_usage_info(per_usage_info)
# For each scope, we want to understand if there are any global usages of the name in that scope
# First, throw away all qualified usages, they are irrelevant
# Next, if a name is on the RHS of an import, we don't care, so throw away
# Next, if the name is beign used at global scope, obviously it is a global
# Otherwise, we are in local scope:
# 1. Next, if the name is a function arg, then this is not a global name (essentially first usage is assignment)
# 2. Otherwise, if first usage is assignment, then it is local, otherwise it is global
seen = Dict{@NamedTuple{name::Symbol,scope_path::Vector{JuliaSyntax.SyntaxNode}},Bool}()
return map(per_usage_info) do nt
if (;, nt.scope_path) in keys(seen)
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=false, external_global_name=missing,
if nt.qualified
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=true, external_global_name=missing,
if nt.import_type == :import_RHS
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=true, external_global_name=missing,

# At this point, we have an unqualified name, which is not the RHS of an import, and it is the first time we have seen this name in this scope.
# Is it global or local?
# We will check a bunch of things:
# * this name could be local due to syntax: due to it being a function argument, LHS of an assignment, a struct field or type param, or due to a loop index.
for (is_local, reason) in
((nt.function_arg, InternalFunctionArg),
(nt.is_assignment, InternalAssignment),
(nt.struct_field_or_type_param, InternalStruct),
(nt.for_loop_index, InternalForLoop))
if is_local
external_global_name = false
push!(seen, (;, nt.scope_path) => external_global_name)
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=true, external_global_name,
# * this was the first usage in this scope, but it could already be used in a "higher" local scope. It is possible we have not yet processed that scope fully but we will assume we have (TODO). So we will recurse up and check if it is a local name there.
if is_name_internal_in_higher_local_scope(,
external_global_name = false
push!(seen, (;, nt.scope_path) => external_global_name)
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=true, external_global_name,

external_global_name = true
push!(seen, (;, nt.scope_path) => external_global_name)
return (; nt..., first_usage_in_scope=true, external_global_name,

function get_global_names(per_usage_info)
names_used_for_global_bindings = Set{@NamedTuple{name::Symbol,
seen = Dict{@NamedTuple{name::Symbol,scope_path::Vector{JuliaSyntax.SyntaxNode}},Bool}()

for nt in per_usage_info
(;, nt.scope_path) in keys(seen) && continue
nt.qualified && continue
nt.import_type == :import_RHS && continue

# Ok, at this point it counts!
push!(seen, (;, nt.scope_path) => nt.global_scope)

if nt.global_scope
if nt.external_global_name === true
push!(names_used_for_global_bindings, (;, nt.module_path, nt.location))
# we are in local scope.
# If we were e.g. an assignment in a higher local scope though, it could still be a local name, as opposed to a global one.
# We will recurse up the `scope_path`. Note the order is "reversed",
# so the first entry of `scope_path` is deepest.
scope_path = nt.scope_path
while !isempty(scope_path)
# First, if we are directly in a module, then we don't want to recurse further.
# We will just end up in a different module.
if kind(first(scope_path)) == K"module"
@goto inner
# Ok, now pop off the first scope and check.
scope_path = scope_path[2:end]
ret = get(seen, (;, scope_path), nothing)
if ret === false # local usage found earlier
@goto outer
elseif ret === true
# We hit global scope, time to bail
@goto inner
# else, continue recursing
@label inner
if !(nt.function_arg || nt.is_assignment || nt.struct_arg || nt.for_arg)
(;, nt.module_path, nt.location))
@label outer
return names_used_for_global_bindings
Expand Down
28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ using Aqua
using Logging
using AbstractTrees
using ExplicitImports: is_function_definition_arg, SyntaxNodeWrapper, get_val
using ExplicitImports: is_struct_type_param, is_struct_field_name, is_for_arg
using ExplicitImports: is_struct_type_param, is_struct_field_name, is_for_arg,
using TestPkg, Markdown

# DataFrames version of `filter_to_module`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,9 +178,8 @@ end

function get_per_scope(per_usage_info)
per_usage_df = DataFrame(per_usage_info)
subset!(per_usage_df, :qualified => ByRow(!), :import_type => ByRow(==(:not_import)))
return combine(groupby(per_usage_df, [:name, :scope_path, :module_path, :global_scope]),
:is_assignment => first => :assigned_first)
dropmissing!(per_usage_df, :external_global_name)
return per_usage_df

# TODO- unit tests for `analyze_import_type`, `is_qualified`, `analyze_name`, etc.
Expand All @@ -204,19 +204,19 @@ end
per_usage_info, _ = analyze_all_names("TestModA.jl")
df = get_per_scope(per_usage_info)
locals = contains.(string.(, Ref("local"))
@test all(!, df.global_scope[locals])
@test all(!, df.external_global_name[locals])

# we use `x` in two scopes; first time is global scope, second time is local
# we use `x` in two scopes
xs = subset(df, :name => ByRow(==(:x)))
@test xs[1, :global_scope]
@test !xs[2, :global_scope]
@test xs[2, :assigned_first]
@test !xs[1, :external_global_name]
@test !xs[2, :external_global_name]
@test xs[2, :analysis_code] == ExplicitImports.InternalAssignment

# we use `exported_a` in two scopes; both times refer to the global name
exported_as = subset(df, :name => ByRow(==(:exported_a)))
@test exported_as[1, :global_scope]
@test !exported_as[2, :global_scope]
@test !exported_as[2, :assigned_first]
@test exported_as[1, :external_global_name]
@test exported_as[2, :external_global_name]
@test !exported_as[2, :is_assignment]

# Test submodules
@test using_statement.(explicit_imports_nonrecursive(TestModA.SubModB, "TestModA.jl")) ==
Expand All @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@ end
sub_df = restrict_to_module(df, TestModA.SubModB)

h = only(subset(sub_df, :name => ByRow(==(:h))))
@test h.global_scope
@test !h.assigned_first
@test h.external_global_name
@test !h.is_assignment

# Nested submodule with same name as outer module...
@test using_statement.(explicit_imports_nonrecursive(TestModA.SubModB.TestModA,
Expand Down

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