The cfdr.pleio
package implements conditional and conjunctional false discovery rates to leverage and study pleiotropic gene variants between pairs of phenotypic traits, as originally described by Andreassen et al. (2013).
You can install the development version of cfdr.pleio
like so:
if ( !require("remotes", quietly = TRUE) ) install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("alexploner/cfdr.pleio", build_vignettes = TRUE)
also needs a set of genetic reference data in a local directory; you can download a local copy like so:
destfile = "/path/to/dir/")
unzip("/path/to/dir/", exdir = "/path/to/dir")
You can delete the zip file after successful unpacking.
For a basic example, install the package and read the introductory vignette:
vignette("Introduction", package = "cfdr.pleio")
is a based on a fork (in February 2021) of the MATLAB package pleiofdr
available from