For this work we used python herepy 3.1.0 client API for geocoding and routing :
hereby is a python version of HERE MAP API Created a profile at https://developer.here.com/ and generated your API key from a REST application.
For more info please look documentation at https://herepy.readthedocs.io/_/downloads/en/stable/pdf/
The platform used is jypter notebook 6.0.1 with ipython 7.8.0 and python 3.7 on Ubuntu 18.04
the code is provided in the DistanceLocationTest.ipynb and it's structure as follow:
GpsLocation class: creates a a GPS location Object when given a latitude and longitude values
DlaPairLocations class : creates an object of pair of GPS Locations in the city of Douala. It has a method dla_distance_time() that takes a HERE MAP API key and generate a dictionnary of bicycle diatance, travel-time and base-time betweens these two locations.
final_programme function: Takes 2 GPS Locations and return the route between those locations periodically with a period of 20min.
Execution field : executes the final_programme with a given locations
Tests classes : Test possible bugs which can occure in during the programme using the unittests framework.