- Run axon server and mysql firstly
cd infra
docker-compose up
- Build common API
cd common-api
mvn clean install
- Run each service
# new terminal
cd order
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# new terminal
cd product
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# new terminal
cd delivery
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- Run API gateway
cd gateway
mvn clean spring-boot:run
- Run frontend server
cd frontend
npm i
npm run serve
Head to http://localhost:8088 with a web browser
- order
http :8088/orders orderId="orderId" productName="productName" productId="productId" status="status" qty="qty" userId="userId"
- product
http :8088/products productId="productId" productName="productName" stock="stock" orderId="orderId"
- delivery
http :8088/deliveries deliveryId="deliveryId" userId="userId" address="address" orderId="orderId" productId="productId" qty="qty" status="status"
- Download RSocket client
wget -O rsc.jar https://github.com/making/rsc/releases/download/0.4.2/rsc-0.4.2.jar
- Subscribe the stream
java -jar rsc.jar --stream --route orders.all ws://localhost:8088/rsocket/orders
java -jar rsc.jar --stream --route products.all ws://localhost:8088/rsocket/products
java -jar rsc.jar --stream --route deliveries.all ws://localhost:8088/rsocket/deliveries