A simple discord bot for the Fundamics discord server
FundaBot contains a bunch of commands to help around in Fundamics
Math commands
Dynamic calculator
Allows you to type out what you wanna do and then will ask for input
usage: -calc
Translation commands to help break language barriers
Translate text into a language of your choice
usage: -translate <language_to_translate_to> <text>
Get a list of languages you can translate to
usage: -langauges
Studying related commands
See who all is available
usage: -available
Mark yourself as studying
Calling the command again allows you to remove the studying role
A bunch of miscellaneous command
Gives a random choice from options provided
usage: -choice choices split by |
example: -choice choice1|choice2
Repeats whatever you tell it to repeat
usage: -say words to repeat
Does a coin flip
usage: -flip
Consult the magic 8 ball
usage: -8ball your question
Use to see if the bot is alive, also provides latency
usage: -ping
Receive a trivia question
usage: -trivia
Create a poll
usage: -poll your poll question
Gain info about the bot
usage: -info