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An extremely fast parser and formatter of standardized date and date-times supporting RFC-3339 (ISO-8601 profile) and more.


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Internet Time Utility

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An extremely fast parser and formatter of ISO-8601 date-times. Handle RFC-3339 Timestamps and W3C Date and Time Formats with ease!


  • Low ceremony, high productivity with a very easy to use API.
  • Well-documented.
  • Aim for 100% specification compliance.
  • Aware of leap-seconds
  • No dependencies, small jar.
  • Apache 2 licensed, can be used in any project, even commercial.


Typically, 10x to 30x faster than parsing and formatting with Java JDK classes.

The details and tests are available in a separate repository, date-time-wars.


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Below you find some samples of usage of this library. Please check out the javadoc for more details.


This is a collection of usage examples for parsing.


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The simplest and fastest way to parse an RFC-3339 timestamp by far!

final String text = "2012-12-27T19:07:22.123456789-03:00";
final OffsetDateTime dateTime = ITU.parseDateTime(text);


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Parses a date-time with flexible granularity. Works for anything from a year to a timestamp with nanoseconds, with or without timezone offset.

final String text = "2012-12-27T19:07:23.123";
final DateTime dateTime = ITU.parseLenient(text);
final String formatted = dateTime.toString();


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In case you encounter the need for a somewhat different time-separator or fraction separator you can use the ParseConfig to set up you preferred delimiters.

final ParseConfig config = ParseConfig.DEFAULT
                .withDateTimeSeparators('T', '|')
                .withFractionSeparators('.', ',');
final DateTime result = ITU.parseLenient("1999-11-22|11:22:17,191", config);


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This allows you to track where to start reading. Note that the check for trailing junk is disabled when using ParsePosition.

final ParsePosition pos = new ParsePosition(10);
final OffsetDateTime result = ITU.parseDateTime("some-data,1999-11-22T11:22:19+05:30,some-other-data", pos);


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This is useful if you need to handle different granularity with different logic or interpolation.

final TemporalHandler<OffsetDateTime> handler = new TemporalHandler<OffsetDateTime>()
            public OffsetDateTime handle(final LocalDate localDate)
                return localDate.atTime(OffsetTime.of(LocalTime.of(0, 0), ZoneOffset.UTC));

            public OffsetDateTime handle(final OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime)
                return offsetDateTime;
final OffsetDateTime result = ITU.parse("2017-12-06", handler);


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In some real world scenarios, it is useful to parse a best-effort timestamp. To ease usage, we can easily convert a raw DateTime instance into Instant.

Note the limitations and the assumption of UTC time-zone, as mentioned in the javadoc.

final Instant instant = ITU.parseLenient("2017-12-06").toInstant();


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In case the format is not supported directly, you can build your own parser.

final DateTimeParser parser = DateTimeParsers.of(
                digits(DAY, 2),
                digits(MONTH, 2),
                digits(YEAR, 4),
                separators(' '),
                digits(HOUR, 2),
                digits(MINUTE, 2),
                digits(SECOND, 2),
final String text = "31-12-2000 235937,123456";
final DateTime result = parser.parse(text);


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DateTimerParser interface for RFC-3339.

final DateTimeParser parser = DateTimeParsers.rfc3339();
final String text = "2000-12-31 23:59:37.123456";
final DateTime result = parser.parse(text);


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DateTimerParser interface for local time.

final DateTimeParser parser = DateTimeParsers.localTime();
final String text = "23:59:37.123456";
final LocalTime result = parser.parse(text).toLocalTime();


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DateTimerParser interface for local date.

final DateTimeParser parser = DateTimeParsers.localDate();
final String text = "2013-12-24";
final LocalDate result = parser.parse(text).toLocalDate();


This is a collection of usage examples for formatting.


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The simplest and fastest way to format an RFC-3339 timestamp by far!

final OffsetDateTime input = OffsetDateTime.of(2012, 12, 27, 19, 7, 22, 123456789, ZoneOffset.ofHoursMinutes(-3, 0));


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Format with DateTime.

final DateTime input = DateTime.of(2020, 11, 27, 12, 39, 19, null);

Leap-second handling


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Parse a valid leap-second (i.e. it is on a date that would allow for it, and it is also in the list of known actual leap-seconds).

        catch (LeapSecondException exc)
            // The following helper methods are available let you decide how to progress
            assertThat(exc.getNearestDateTime()).isEqualTo(OffsetDateTime.of(1990, 12, 31, 16, 0, 0, 0, ZoneOffset.ofHours(-8)));

Q & A

Why this little project?

There are an endless amount of APIs with non-standard date/time exchange, and the goal of this project is to make it a breeze to do the right thing!

Why the performance focus?

Some projects use epoch time-stamps for date-time exchange, and from a performance perspective this may make sense in some cases. With this project one can do-the-right-thing and maintain performance in date-time handling.

Importantly, this project is not a premature optimization. In real-life scenarios there are examples of date-time parsing hindering optimal performance. The samples include data ingestion into databases and search engines, to importing/exporting data on less powerful devices, like cheaper Android devices.

What is wrong with epoch timestamps?

  • It is not human-readable, so debugging and direct manipulation is harder
  • Limited resolution and/or time-range available
  • Unclear resolution and/or time-range

What is RFC-3339?

RFC-3339 is a subset/profile defined by W3C of the formats defined in ISO-8601, to simplify date and time exhange in modern Internet protocols.

Typical formats include:

  • 2017-12-27T23:45:32Z - No fractional seconds, UTC/Zulu time
  • 2017-12-27T23:45:32.999Z - Millisecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
  • 2017-12-27T23:45:32.999999Z - Microsecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
  • 2017-12-27T23:45:32.999999999Z - Nanosecond fractions, UTC/Zulu time
  • 2017-12-27T18:45:32-05:00 - No fractional seconds, EST time
  • 2017-12-27T18:45:32.999-05:00 - Millisecond fractions, EST time
  • 2017-12-27T18:45:32.999999-05:00 - Microsecond fractions, EST time
  • 2017-12-27T18:45:32.999999999-05:00 - Nanosecond fractions, EST time

What is W3C - Date and Time Formats

Date and Time Formats is a note, meaning it is not endorsed, but it still serves as a sane subset of ISO-8601, just like RFC-3339.

Typical formats include:

  • 2017-12-27T23:45Z - Minute resolution, UTC/Zulu time
  • 2017-12-27 - Date only, no timezone (like someone's birthday)
  • 2017-12 - Year and month only. Like an expiry date.


Local offset

For the sake of avoiding data integrity issues, this library will not allow offset of -00:00. Such offset is described in RFC3339 section 4.3., named "Unknown Local Offset Convention". Such offset is explicitly prohibited in ISO-8601 as well.

If the time in UTC is known, but the offset to local time is unknown, this can be represented with an offset of "-00:00". This differs semantically from an offset of "Z" or "+00:00", which imply that UTC is the preferred reference point for the specified time.

Leap second parsing

Since Java's java.time classes do not support storing leap seconds, ITU will throw a LeapSecondException if one is encountered to signal that this is a leap second. The exception can then be queried for the second-value. Storing such values is not possible in a java.time.OffsetDateTime, the 60 is therefore abandoned and the date-time will use 59 instead of 60.