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ci: Add workflow for updating PR status and auto-merging #1

ci: Add workflow for updating PR status and auto-merging

ci: Add workflow for updating PR status and auto-merging #1

# Wait for GitHub to register the PR with retries
echo "Waiting for GitHub to register the PR..."
for i in {1..5}; do
if gh pr view "$PR_URL" &>/dev/null; then
echo "PR found!"
echo "Attempt $i: PR not found, waiting 30 seconds..."

Check failure on line 8 in .github/workflows/update-contributoor.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/update-contributoor.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 8
sleep 30
if [ $i -eq 5 ]; then
echo "PR not found after 5 attempts: $PR_URL"
exit 1
# Wait for checks to complete (timeout after 15 minutes)
echo "Waiting for checks to complete..."
# Enable auto-merge
gh pr merge --auto --merge "$PR_URL"
# Wait for PR to be mergeable (checks to complete)
echo "Waiting for checks to complete..."
while true; do
STATUS=$(gh pr view $PR_NUMBER --json mergeable,state -q '.mergeable + "," + .state')
if [[ "$STATUS" == "MERGEABLE,MERGED" ]]; then
echo "PR merged successfully!"
elif [[ "$STATUS" == "CONFLICTING"* ]]; then
echo "PR has conflicts"
exit 1
elif [[ "$STATUS" == "UNKNOWN"* ]]; then
echo "Checks still running..."
sleep 30
echo "Current status: $STATUS"
sleep 30