This runs a node child_process
that executes a python program which
listens in on a magtek card reader and returns the raw track data
Added support for Synchronous and Asynchronous calls
In order to make this work we need 3 things
- MagTek Card Swiper
- at least Python 2.7 installed with python libraries installed as well
- this npm package
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0
$ sudo -H pip install pyusb --pre --upgrade
$ npm install node-card-capture
var cardCapture = require('node-card-capture').cardCapture
var cardCaptureSync = require('node-card-capture').cardCaptureSync
// Synchronous call aka Stops everything until it's done
var trackdata = cardCaptureSync()
// Asynchronous call aka will return when done and is non blocking