go-paypal-classic is library for PayPal Classic API
- Express Checkout
- Transaction
import (
func main() {
user := os.Getenv("PAYPAL_USER")
pwd := os.Getenv("PAYPAL_PWD")
signature := os.Getenv("PAYPAL_SIGNATURE")
conf := config.New(user, pwd, signature)
mer := merchant.New(conf)
sec := &merchant.SetExpressCheckout{
TotalAmount: 100.00,
ReturnURL: "http://localhost/confirm",
CancelURL: "http://localhost/cancel",
Currency: merchant.CurrencyUSD,
resp, err := sec.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on SetExpressCheckout api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// => https://www.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=<TOKEN>
import (
func main() {
gecd = &merchant.GetExpressCheckoutDetails{
resp, err := gecd.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on GetExpressCheckoutDetails api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// verified or unverified
import (
func main() {
decp = &merchant.DoExpressCheckoutPayment{
PayerID: "XXX",
TotalAmount: 100.0,
Currency: merchant.CurrencyUSD,
resp, err := decp.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on DoExpressCheckoutPayment api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// payment request is success or not
import (
func main() {
decp = &merchant.CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile{
PayerID: "XXX",
TotalAmount: 100.0,
Currency: merchant.CurrencyUSD,
Description: "this is recurring payment",
decp.SetPeriodAsMonth(3) // once every three months
decp.SetBillingStartDateFromNow() // the 1st billing starts three month later
resp, err := decp.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// created recurring profile id
// resp.ProfileID
import (
func main() {
grpp = &merchant.GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails{
ProfileID: "I-000000000000",
resp, err := grpp.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on GetRecurringPaymentsProfileDetails api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// recurring payment status
// resp.Status
import (
func main() {
mrpp := &merchant.ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus{
ProfileID: "I-000000000000",
svc.SetAsCancel("You must pay my bill!")
resp, err := mrpp.Do(mer)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on ManageRecurringPaymentsProfileStatus api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// profile id will be present when success
// resp.ProfileID
import (
func main() {
ts = &transaction.TransactionSearch{
StartDate: time.Now(),
ProfileID: "I-000000000000",
resp, err := ts.Do(cli)
if err != nil {
panic("error occured on TransactionSearch api request")
if resp.IsSuccess() {
// transaction list
// resp.Items