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The module allows you to set list of AutoScaling-Policy with Cloudwatch metric alarms for AutoScaling-group for EKS cluster in AWS. Automatically will be created:

  • AutoScaling-Policys
  • Cloudwatch metric alarms

WARNING: Different types of AutoScaling-Policy may conflict with each other.


module "AS_Polisys" {
  source = "AS_policys/"
  autoscaling_group_name = "my_autoscaling_group"

  SimpleAlarmScaling_policys = [
    estimated_instance_warmup = ""
    adjustment_type           = "ChangeInCapacity"
    policy_type               = "SimpleScaling"
    cooldown                  = "300"
    scaling_adjustment        = "0"
    alarm_name                = "alarm"
    alarm_comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
    alarm_evaluation_periods  = "2"
    alarm_metric_name         = "CPUUtilization"
    alarm_period              = "120"
    alarm_threshold           = "80"
    alarm_description         = "This metric monitors ec2 cpu utilization"
    estimated_instance_warmup = ""
    adjustment_type           = "ExactCapacity"
    policy_type               = "SimpleScaling"
    cooldown                  = "250"
    scaling_adjustment        = "0"
    alarm_name                = "alarm"
    alarm_comparison_operator = "GreaterThanOrEqualToThreshold"
    alarm_evaluation_periods  = "2"
    alarm_metric_name         = "CPUUtilization"
    alarm_period              = "180"
    alarm_threshold           = "90"
    alarm_description         = "This metric monitors ec2 cpu utilization"

  SimpleScaling_policys = [
    estimated_instance_warmup = ""
    adjustment_type           = "ChangeInCapacity"
    policy_type               = "SimpleScaling"
    cooldown                  = "300"
    scaling_adjustment        = "0"


Name Description Type Default Required
autoscaling_group_name AutoScaling-Group for which autoscaling_policy will be created string n/a yes
policy_name name for policy for autoscaling group string - Yes
SimpleScaling_policys List of policys with type "SimpleScaling" without alarms list [] no
SimpleAlarmScaling_policys List of policys with type "SimpleScaling" with alarms list [] no
StepScaling_policys List of policys with type "StepScaling" (only with alarms) list [] no
TargetTracking_policys List of policys with type "TargetTracking" (only without alarm) list [] no


Name Description
simpleAlarm_id List of The ID-s of the health check for simpleAlarm_policy_alarm
stepAlarm_id List of The ID-s of the health check for step_policy_alarm
SimpleScaling_ASG_policy_arn List of The ARN assigneds by AWS to the scaling policy for SimpleScaling_ASG_policy
SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy_arn List of The ARN assigneds by AWS to the scaling policy for SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy
StepScaling_ASG_policy_arn List of The ARN assigneds by AWS to the scaling policy for StepScaling_ASG_policy
TargetTracking_ASG_policy_arn List of The ARN assigneds by AWS to the scaling policy for TargetTracking_ASG_policy
SimpleScaling_ASG_policy_name List of The scaling policys name for SimpleScaling_ASG_policy
SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy_name List of The scaling policys name for SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy
StepScaling_ASG_policy_name List of The scaling policys name for StepScaling_ASG_policy
TargetTracking_ASG_policy_name List of The scaling policys name for TargetTracking_ASG_policy
SimpleScaling_ASG_policy_adjustment_type List of The scaling policys adjustment type for SimpleScaling_ASG_policy
SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy_adjustment_type List of The scaling policys adjustment type for SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy
StepScaling_ASG_policy_adjustment_type List of The scaling policys adjustment type for StepScaling_ASG_policy
TargetTracking_ASG_policy_adjustment_type List of The scaling policys adjustment type for TargetTracking_ASG_policy
SimpleScaling_ASG_policy_group_name List of The scaling policys assigned autoscaling group for SimpleScaling_ASG_policy
SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy_group_name List of The scaling policys assigned autoscaling group for SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy
StepScaling_ASG_policy_group_name List of The scaling policys assigned autoscaling group for StepScaling_ASG_policy
TargetTracking_ASG_policy_group_name List of The scaling policys assigned autoscaling group for TargetTracking_ASG_policy
SimpleScaling_ASG_policy_policy_type List of The scaling policys type for SimpleScaling_ASG_policy
SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy_policy_type List of The scaling policys type for SimpleAlarmScaling_ASG_policy
StepScaling_ASG_policy_policy_type List of The scaling policys type for StepScaling_ASG_policy
TargetTracking_ASG_policy_policy_type List of The scaling policys type for TargetTracking_ASG_policy

Terraform versions

Terraform version 0.11.11 or newer is required for this module to work.


Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please refer to for guidance.


Apache2.0 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.


Lean Delivery Team [email protected]


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