Information bot for the community Phoenix II discord server. Original version located at:
git clone
python3 -m pip install -U
python3 -m pip install -U rapidfuzz
!help basic user functions
!ship affinity list of Affinities
!ship affinity <affinity> list of ships with specified weapon type
!ship all list all ships
!ship aura list of Auras
!ship aura <aura> list of ships with an aura
!ship detail <ship> detailed ship info
!ship dmg list of Damage brackets
!ship dmg <dmg> list of ships with Damage inc type
!ship info <ship> basic ship info
!ship rand <n> print random number of ships, default 10
!ship rarity list of rarities
!ship rarity <rarity> list ships in a rarity
!ship zen list of Zens
!ship zen <zen> list of ships with zen name
!ship help ship help
!source link to github repo
!daily current daily briefing
!daily next next daily briefing
!daily all list of full mission rotation
!daily <n> briefing for desired mission rotaion number (1-21)
!invader affinity <affinity> all invaders HP that match the affinity
!invader help invader help
!invader invader <name> named invader HP stats for all affinities
!invader list invader names and turret count
#!price weapon upgrade price of weapon levels (list)
#!price aura upgrade price of aura levels (list)
#!price zen upgrade price of zen levels (list)
#!price apex price of apex brackets (list)
#!apex help apex help
#!apex weapon list of weapon apex
#!apex aura list of aura apexs
#!apex zen list of zen apexs
#!apex ship <ship> apexs the ship has
#!apex description <apex_name> apex Description
#!apex find <apex_name> list ships with <apex_name>,
include cost, apex_type (weapon/aura/zen)
#!apex rank <apex_rank> list of ships matching apex rank
Phoenix II is an arcade Shoot'Em Up developed by Firi Games in 2016. Firi Games is an independent game studio focused on developing premium games for iPhone, iPad and Apple TV. Firi Games is based in The Hague, Netherlands.
- My Phoenix II Community: "Bullet Hellspawn"
- Phoenix II Reddit:
- Phoenix II Discord Server:
- Firi Games Website:
- Download Phoenix II:
Open sourced under the [MIT license].