This repository is for interfacing the MQ-2 Gas sensor with the Firebird Robot. You will need both the MQ-2 sensor and the Firebird robot in order to work on this repository. This repository is open to all members of the e-Yantra community. Any member may contribute to this project without being a collaborator.
Fork this repository and get started. You are supposed to interface the sensor with the Firebird robot. You can use any of the Firebirds GPIO pins. A basic code template is given to help you get started. You are free to edit the code however you like. You must add comments wherever necessary.
Author notes:
Author: Shivam Mahesh Potdar (github/shivampotdar) ([email protected]) This code forms an interface for MQ2 gas sensor with Firebird, values of LPG, CO and Smoke detected in PPM are shown on the 16x2 LCD onboard.
The MQ-2 gas sensor has three outputs pins, connections can be made as follows :
- The ATMEGA2560 Microcontroller Board expansion socket on Firebird can be used for the purpose:
- Note that all four jumpers from J2 should be removed to make use of the ADC pins on the socket
- This would disable IR Proximity sensor 1-4
- DO pin on the MQ2 module can be left unused as it is used with a comparator on-board just to detect threshold
MQ-2 <---------> Firebird Vcc Pin21/22 (5V) GND Pin23/24 (Ground) AO Pin7-10 (7=ADC6,8=ADC7,9=ADC5,10=ADC4)
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