PetZone is a React Native app that provides its users an interface where they can inform and be informed by the users of the system about stray animals. The features are listed below:
- Users shall be able to see a map which displays circular regions showing the status of these regions regarding their food & water situations. These regions shall become green as the user notifies the system that he/she has put food & water. Over time, these regions shall gradually become red if there is no new notification. In addition to the food and water notifications
- The system provides an emergency page that contains the list of emergency institutions and a button that forwards the user to call the proper emergency telephone number
- Necessary interfaces to let the users register and login to the system is provided by the application. Users should be able to update their password and profile information. Moreover, proper interfaces shall be provided to recover the forgotten passwords
- The system provides a page that lists the latest records
- Users shall be able to submit and see other types of notifications in the map; including wounded animals, lost & found animals, adoption related posts
- The system provides a page that lists the information of the available institutions for users to donate