The IBM Watson Concept Insights service links documents that you provide with a pre-existing graph of concepts based on Wikipedia (e.g. 'Solar Energy', 'Cognitive Systems', etc.). Two types of links are identified: explicit links when a document directly mentions a concept, and implicit links which connect your documents to relevant concepts that are not directly mentioned in them. Users of this service can also search for documents that are relevant to a concept or collection of concepts by exploring the explicit and implicit links.
Give it a try! Click the button below to fork into IBM DevOps Services and deploy your own copy of this application on Bluemix.
- Create a Bluemix Account
Sign up in Bluemix, or use an existing account. Watson Services in Beta are free to use.
Download and install the Cloud-foundry CLI tool
Edit the
file and change the<application-name>
to something unique.
- services:
- concept-insights-service
name: <application-name>
path: .
memory: 256M
The name you use will determinate your application url initially, e.g. <application-name>
- Connect to Bluemix in the command line tool
$ cf api
$ cf login -u <your user ID>
- Create the Concept Insights service in Bluemix
$ cf create-service concept_insights free concept-insights-service
- Push it live!
$ cf push
See the full Getting Started documentation for more details, including code snippets and references.
The application uses [Node.js][] and [npm][] so you will have to download and install them as part of the steps below.
Copy the credentials from your
service in Bluemix toapp.js
, you can see the credentials using:$ cf env <application-name>
Example output:
System-Provided: { "VCAP_SERVICES": { "concept_insights": [{ "credentials": { "url": "<url>", "password": "<password>", "username": "<username>" }, "label": "concept_insights", "name": "concept-insights-service", "plan": "free" }] } }
You need to copy
. -
Install Node.js
Go to the project folder in a terminal and run:
npm install
Start the application
node app.js
Go to
To troubleshoot your Bluemix app the main useful source of information are the logs, to see them, run:
$ cf logs <application-name> --recent
This sample code is licensed under Apache 2.0. Full license text is available in COPYING.
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