My solutions for the "101 Challenges in C++ programming" by Yashavant Kanetkar:
Please don't take these solutions as example, I wrote them quickly. A lot of them could be improved:
- functions could be made smaller
- in some place I should have used enums instead of numbers
- I should have used more modern C++ features (lamba for instance) in some place
- some algorithms could be improved (they are easy to read now but not very smart)
- in general, I could have used more advanced concepts (meta-programming, design patterns)
But now I prefer to leave them as I wrote because there are easier to read and I want to keep going through the book. Beside, the solutions provided in the book are not "modern C++ oriented".
My goal is to gain experience in C++ language. There might be some french comments remaining in the first challenges, please excuse me.