see #1
- Simple 3D collision systems using in LibGdx
- Can be used as 2D
- Only Java
NztBox is a simple 3D collision world. Its really similar to Box2D for data type and usage. (Body, Fixture, ContactListener)
The volume are only 2D shape (Circle, Polygons) and you give a height.
But its just a collision engine, after collision a collision forces are computed but its very simplist Its not realistic.
World world = new World();
box2DDebugRenderer = new Box2DDebugRenderer();
Body body = new Body(BodyType.Dynamic);
BodyShape shape = new CircleShape(10);
Fixture<?> fixture = new Fixture<>(shape);
- Cant move or rotate
- Gravity has no effect
- Collision event with Dynamic, Ghost
- Rebound with Dynamic
- Forces with Dynamic
- Can move or rotate
- Gravity has effect
- Collision event with Static, Dynamic, Kinematic, Forces
- Rebound with Static, Dynamic, Kinematic
- Forces with Static, Dynamic, Kinematic, Forces
- Can move or rotate
- Gravity has effect
- Collision event with Dynamic, Kinematic, Ghost, Forces
- Rebound with Dynamic, Kinematic
- Forces with Dynamic, Kinematic, Forces
- Mass : Used as multiplicator of energy transfert
- Transfert : Energy % transfert to other body
- Receive : Energy % receive of transfert
- Restitution: Energy % restitute after Receive
You can attache one or many fixtures to a body.
The fixture contains the shape and his height and Zpos (relative to body)
The shapes intersection creates contacts
- Circle
- Rectangle (cant rotate based on LibGdx Rectangle)
- Polygons only convex
- Ray? //TODO
Generate a contact Fixture.
A contact can be blocking or not, he can apply forces on bodies or not.
You can modify contact response with attributs of ContactFixture
ContactFixture.collisionData contains
- You have to set world.contactListener to get notified by contacts between body's fixtures
- Contact can be blocking (shape cant cross other) and generate rebound
- Contact can generate impact's forces
Called when intersectors find contact between two fixtures
you can modify contact params
public boolean ignoreContact = false; //contact is remove, endContact not called
public boolean noImpact = false; //no forces are apply
public boolean enableContact = true;
public boolean tickEveryStep = false;
Forces and rebound are computed here, but not applied
You can modify it in contactFixture.collisionData
Called every step if ContactFixture.continueContact
- Body: Global Entity who contains all shapes
- Fixture : One shape of a body
- UserData : Your object inside Fixture or Body
- ContactBody : ContactBetween two Body
- ContactFixtures : ContactBetween two fixture
Put [NztGdx]( in same folder or change path in settings.gradle
For eclipse :
Java Build Path
1) Project add NztGdx
2) Order en export -> put NztGdx after src/test/resources
3) Projects -> NztGdx Visible onlu for test sources : No
Without test codde : No