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A middleware plugin for securing a Gin application behind Cloudflare Access


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A middleware plugin for securing a Gin application behind Cloudflare Access authentication.


go get


package main

import (

	gincloudflareaccess ""

func main() {

	cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
		TeamDomain: "myorganization",
		ValidAudiences: []string{

	r := gin.Default()

	// plug in authenticator at the root level

	r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, "pong")

	// require authenticated users for all routes under /secured
	authorized := r.Group("/secured", cfAccess.RequireAuthenticated())

	authorized.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
		principal := gincloudflareaccess.GetPrincipal(c)

		c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "hello "+principal.Identity.Name)

	// run the server and listen on http://localhost:9000
	err := r.Run(":9000")
	if err != nil {

Configure routes

Require authentication for a route or a group of routes

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	// ...

r := gin.Default()

// plug in authenticator at the root level

// this route will NOT require authentication.
r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
	c.String(http.StatusOK, "pong")

// this route WILL require authentication
r.GET("/whoami", cfAccess.RequireAuthenticated(), func(c *gin.Context) {
	c.String(http.StatusOK, "you are a valid user")

// ALL routes under /secured/** will require authentication
authorized := r.Group("/secured", cfAccess.RequireAuthenticated())

authorized.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
	principal := gincloudflareaccess.GetPrincipal(c)

	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "hello "+principal.Identity.Name)

// ...

Require membership to one or more LDAP groups for one or more routes

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	// ...

r := gin.Default()

// plug in authenticator at the root level

// ALL routes under /only-administrators/** will be restricted
// to members of [email protected]
// You can also use .RequireAllGroups(...) or .RequireAnyGroup(...)
authorized := r.Group("/only-administrators", cfAccess.RequireGroup("[email protected]"))

authorized.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
	// ...

// ...

Require a custom check for a route or a group of routes

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	// ...

r := gin.Default()

// plug in authenticator at the root level

// ALL routes under /only-fabio/** will be protected by this custom check
authorized := r.Group("/only-fabio", cfAccess.Require(func(c *gin.Context, principal *gincloudflareaccess.CloudflareAccessPrincipal) error {
	if principal == nil || principal.Identity.Name != "Fabio" {
		return errors.New("you are not my true father!")
	return nil

authorized.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
	// ...

// ...

Manual helpers

Retrieve the authenticated principal

r.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
	principal := gincloudflareaccess.GetPrincipal(c)

	c.JSON(http.StatusOK, "hello "+principal.Identity.Name)

Manually check if authenticated user belong to LDAP groups

r.GET("/hello", func(c *gin.Context) {
	inGroup := gincloudflareaccess.PrincipalInGroup(c, "[email protected]")
	inAllGroups := gincloudflareaccess.PrincipalInAllGroups(c, []string{
		"[email protected]",
		"[email protected]",

	inAnyGroup := gincloudflareaccess.PrincipalInAnyGroups(c, []string{
		"[email protected]",
		"[email protected]",

	// ...

Customize middleware behavior

Customize error response

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	TeamDomain: "myorganization",
	ValidAudiences: []string{
	// Whenever a request is blocked because of invalid or missing authentication,
	// LDAP group conditions not met or custom checks failing,
	// a default error response will be returned in JSON.
	// You can change the way these errors are handled by providing a ErrorResponseHandler.
	// it should call a finalization method such as AbortWithStatusJSON.
	// The ErrorResponseHandler function will be invoked with the request context,
	// the status error (either 401 or 403) and a non-nil error.
	ErrorResponseHandler: func(c *gin.Context, status int, err error) {
			fmt.Sprintf("customized error response (original error: %v)", err),

Customize token lookup

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	TeamDomain: "myorganization",
	ValidAudiences: []string{
	// If for some reason you want to provide the Access header
	// under a different header or with a different mechanism,
	// you can provide the TokenExtractFunc parameter.
	// The function should look for an authorization token wherever you need
	// in the request, and return it.
	// If no token was found you should return an empty string and a nil error.
	// The request will be aborted if the function returns a non-nil error.
	TokenExtractFunc: func(c *gin.Context) (string, error) {
		h := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Custom-Auth-Header")
		if h != "" {
			return h, nil
		cookie, err := c.Request.Cookie("X-Auth-Cookie")
		if cookie != nil && err != nil {
			return cookie.Value, nil
		return "", nil

Customize caching

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
TeamDomain: "myorganization",
ValidAudiences: []string{

// By default principals authenticated from a token are cached in memory
// for a short duration.
// You can disable the caching mechanism by providing the DisableCache parameter.
DisableCache: false,

// By default principals authenticated from a token are cached in memory
// for 5 minutes.
// You can change this duration with the CacheTTL parameter.
CacheTTL: 2 * time.Minute,

Mock for development purposes

You can provide a custom AuthenticationFunc if you want to mock authentication for development purposes.

settings := &gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	TeamDomain: "myorganization",
	ValidAudiences: []string{

if (inDevelopment) {
	settings.AuthenticationFunc = func(ctx context.Context, _ string) (*CloudflareAccessPrincipal, error) {
		return &CloudflareAccessPrincipal{
			Identity: &CloudflareIdentity{
				Email: "[email protected]",
				Name:  "some mocked user",
				Groups: []CloudflareIdentityGroup{
						Id:    "group0",
						Name:  "Some Group",
						Email: "[email protected]",
			Email: "[email protected]",
		}, nil

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(settings)

You might also pass both AuthenticationFunc and TokenExtractFunc to have a more dynamic mocking logic:

settings := &gincloudflareaccess.Config{
	TeamDomain: "myorganization",
	ValidAudiences: []string{

if (inDevelopment) {
	settings.TokenExtractFunc = func(c *gin.Context) (string, error) {
		// the content of X-Mocked-Auth will be passed as 'inputFromHeader' to the AuthenticationFunc
		return c.Request.Header.Get("X-Mocked-Auth"), nil
	settings.AuthenticationFunc = func(ctx context.Context, inputFromHeader string) (*CloudflareAccessPrincipal, error) {
		return &CloudflareAccessPrincipal{
			Identity: &CloudflareIdentity{
				Email: inputFromHeader + "",
				Name:  "user " + inputFromHeader,
				Groups: []CloudflareIdentityGroup{
						Id:    "group0",
						Name:  "Some Group",
						Email: "[email protected]",
			Email: inputFromHeader + "",
		}, nil

cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(settings)

Full example

package main

import (

	gincloudflareaccess ""

func main() {

	cfAccess := gincloudflareaccess.NewCloudflareAccessMiddleware(&gincloudflareaccess.Config{
		// TeamDomain is the name of your team.
		// it's the third-level domain of your authentication portal,
		// for instance if your login page is
		// then your TeamDomain is "organization"{
		TeamDomain: "organization",

		// Every Access Policy created under the Access or Team portal
		// will come with a specific Audience Tag.
		// You should provide at least one audience tag
		// but you can support as many policies as you want by providing
		// multiple audience tags.
		ValidAudiences: []string{

		// By default principals authenticated from a token are cached in memory
		// for a short duration.
		// You can disable the caching mechanism by providing the DisableCache parameter.
		DisableCache: false,

		// By default principals authenticated from a token are cached in memory
		// for 5 minutes.
		// You can change this duration with the CacheTTL parameter.
		CacheTTL: 2 * time.Minute,

		// If for some reason you want to provide the Access header
		// under a different header or with a different mechanism,
		// you can provide the TokenExtractFunc parameter.
		// The function should look for an authorization token wherever you need
		// in the request, and return it.
		// If no token was found you should return an empty string and a nil error.
		// The request will be aborted if the function returns a non-nil error.
		TokenExtractFunc: func(c *gin.Context) (string, error) {
			h := c.Request.Header.Get("X-Custom-Auth-Header")
			if h != "" {
				return h, nil
			cookie, err := c.Request.Cookie("X-Auth-Cookie")
			if cookie != nil && err != nil {
				return cookie.Value, nil
			return "", nil

		// Whenever a request is blocked because of invalid or missing authentication,
		// LDAP group conditions not met or custom checks failing,
		// a default error response will be returned in JSON.
		// You can change the way these errors are handled by providing a ErrorResponseHandler.
		// it should call a finalization method such as AbortWithStatusJSON.
		// The ErrorResponseHandler function will be invoked with the request context,
		// the status error (either 401 or 403) and a non-nil error.
		ErrorResponseHandler: func(c *gin.Context, status int, err error) {
				fmt.Sprintf("customized error response (original error: %v)", err),

	r := gin.Default()

	// plug in authenticator at the root level
	// this middleware will read the authorization header or cookies
	// and, if provided, will validate and authenticate the user.
	// invalid credentials and expired tokens will cause an immediate abort.
	// note that, by itself, this middleware does not prevent
	// unauthenticated access nor perform any check on the authentication result
	// other than blocking invalid credentials.
	// additionals check have to be enabled with the .Require...() middlewares
	// that you'll see in the following lines.

	// this route will not require authentication
	r.GET("/ping", func(c *gin.Context) {
		c.String(http.StatusOK, "pong")

	// let's declare a sample handler to be reused from the following routes
	helloHandler := func(c *gin.Context) {
		// you can retrieve the principal from the gin.Context using GetPrincipal
		// mind that GetPrincipal may return nil for unauthenticated requests
		principal := gincloudflareaccess.GetPrincipal(c)

		// reply with details about the authenticated principal
		c.JSON(http.StatusOK, principal)

	// require authenticated users for all routes under /secured/**
	// by plugging in the RequireAuthenticated middleware
	// note that as other middlewares, .RequireAuthenticated() can be applied to a single route,
	// to a route group or to the whole router
	authorized := r.Group("/secured", cfAccess.RequireAuthenticated())

	// this routes will require authentication
	// (inherited from the 'authorized' route group)
	authorized.GET("/some-protected-route", helloHandler)
	authorized.GET("/other-protected-route", helloHandler)

	// this route will require a custom condition to be evaluated on each request
	// the .Require() middleware can be used to implements custom checks:
	// it receives the request context and the authenticated principals
	// and it can return a non-nil error to abort the request.
	// when the provided function returns an error,
	// the default behavior for Forbidden requests executes, so
	// if a ErrorResponseHandler has been provided it will be
	// invoked with the returned error and a 403 status code.
	// note that as other middlewares, .Require() can be applied to a single route,
	// to a route group or to the whole router
	r.GET("/require-custom", cfAccess.Require(func(c *gin.Context, principal *gincloudflareaccess.CloudflareAccessPrincipal) error {
		if principal == nil {
			return errors.New("auth required")
		if c.Request.Header.Get("X-Mock-Allow") != principal.Identity.Email {
			return errors.New("required custom header not valid")
		return nil
	}), helloHandler)

	// this route will require authenticated users belonging to
	// a specific LDAP group.
	// note that as other middlewares, .RequireGroup() can be applied to a single route,
	// to a route group or to the whole router
	r.GET("/require-group", cfAccess.RequireGroup("[email protected]"), helloHandler)

	// this route will require authenticated users belonging to
	// everyone of the specified LDAP groups.
	// note that as other middlewares, .RequireAllGroups() can be applied to a single route,
	// to a route group or to the whole router
	r.GET("/require-all-groups", cfAccess.RequireAllGroups([]string{
		"[email protected]",
		"[email protected]",
	}), helloHandler)

	// this route will require authenticated users belonging to
	// at least one of the specified LDAP groups.
	// note that as other middlewares, .RequireAnyGroup() can be applied to a single route,
	// to a route group or to the whole router
	r.GET("/require-any-group", cfAccess.RequireAnyGroup([]string{
		"[email protected]",
		"[email protected]",
	}), helloHandler)

	// this route will require authentication
	r.GET("/auth-demo", cfAccess.RequireAuthenticated(), func(c *gin.Context) {
		// you can retrieve the principal with the GetPrincipal method.
		// mind that GetPrincipal may return nil for unauthenticated requests
		principal := gincloudflareaccess.GetPrincipal(c)

		if principal == nil {
			panic("didn't expect a nil principal")

		// you can manually check if the user belongs to
		// a/all/any specified LDAP groups with the helper methods:
		inGroup := gincloudflareaccess.PrincipalInGroup(c, "[email protected]")
		if !inGroup {
			panic("go away")

	// run the server and listen on http://localhost:9000
	err := r.Run(":9000")
	if err != nil {

Available data for authenticated principals

        "email":"[email protected]",
        "name":"User Name",
        "email":"[email protected]",
                "email":"[email protected]"
                "email":"[email protected]"
    "email":"[email protected]"


A middleware plugin for securing a Gin application behind Cloudflare Access







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