gin-goll is the middleware plugin for integrating a Goll load limiter in a Gin-gonic application.
go get
go get
package main
import (
gingoll ""
goll ""
func main() {
limiter, _ := goll.New(&goll.Config{
MaxLoad: 100,
WindowSize: 10 * time.Second,
// instantiate the limiter middleware using the limiter instance just created.
// we assign a default load of "1" per route
ginLimiter := gingoll.NewLimiterMiddleware(gingoll.Config{
// Limiter is the goll.LoadLimiter instance
Limiter: limiter,
// DefaultRouteLoad is the default load per each route
// when no route-specific configuration is available
DefaultRouteLoad: 1,
// TenantKeyFunc extracts the tenant key from the request context.
// For instance you can return the request origin IP
// if you want to limit the load on a per-IP basis,
// or you could return the username/id of an authenticated client.
// If you have a single tenant or want to limit globally
// you can return a fixed string or use the TenantKey parameter instead.
TenantKeyFunc: func(c *gin.Context) (string, error) {
// we will limit the load on a per-ip basis
return c.ClientIP(), nil
// AbortHandler decides how we respond when a request
// exceeds the load limit
AbortHandler: func(c *gin.Context, result goll.SubmitResult) {
if result.RetryInAvailable {
c.Header("X-Retry-In", fmt.Sprintf("%v", result.RetryIn.Milliseconds()))
c.String(429, fmt.Sprintf("Too much! retry in %v ms", result.RetryIn.Milliseconds()))
} else {
r := gin.Default()
// plugin the load limiter middleware for all routes like this:
// or on single route
r.GET("/something", ginLimiter.Default(), routeHandler)
// specify per-route load
r.POST("/create-something", ginLimiter.WithLoad(5), routeHandler)
r.PUT("/update-something", ginLimiter.WithLoad(3), routeHandler)
// on route group with specific load
// ...
err := r.Run(":9000")
if err != nil {