Changes to pairwise experiments
- PairwiseProbitModel has been moved from prerelease to the main repo
- SobolGenerator and OptimizeAcqfGenerator now work with PairwiseProbitModel. The pairwise generators should still work for now but are being deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Changes to configs
- Configs now have separate stimuli_per_trial and outcome_types settings instead of a single outcome_type parameter. The server should automatically reformat old-style configs.
- Experiment metadata such as the experiment's description or participant ID can now be included in config files
New server functionality
- Tell messages can now specify model_data=False to indicate that data should be recorded, but not modeled. This is useful, for example, when your experiment includes practice trials.
- The "get_config" message can be used to fetch config settings from the server.
- The "finish_strategy" message can be used to force the server to finish the current strategy and move to the next one.
Other new features
- New lookahead acquisition functions (MOCU, SMOCU, and BEMPS) were added.
- Added 3D plotting functionality
- Strategies can now be set to run indefinitely by including run_indefinitely=True in configs.
Bug fixes
- Experiments that used stopping criteria other than min_asks will now properly replay.
- An exception will now be raised if lb > ub.
- Changed LSE's default value of "beta" to 3.84 (1.96^2).
- Updates from GPytorch and Botorch should lead to more stable model fitting