A tiny library on Datomic, with a declarative api for working with Facts, Schemas, and Rules.
For in-memory datomic, setup:
Create a schema:
[[:story/title "full title" :string :one :fulltext :index]
[:story/url "story's permamnent url" :string :one :unique-identity :index]
[:story/slug "a short title" :string :one]
[:comments "a collection of comments" :ref :many :component]
[:comment/body "comment 140 chars or less" :string :one]
[:comment/author "comment author" :ref :one]])
(schema/has-attribute? :story/title)
Create Facts:
{:story/title "Datomic's 1.0 is released"
:story/url "http://datomic.com/downloads/1.0"
:story/slug "New, improved declarative api"
:comment/author 17592186045425
:comment/body "This is great!"})
Find Facts:
(query/find-all-by :story/title)
(query/find-changes 17592186045425)
>> {:author/name {:old nil, :new "Stu G"}, :author/email {:old nil, :new "[email protected]"}}
(query/find-all-by :story/title)
(query/find [:story/title] :story/url "http://datomic.com/downloads/1.0")
'{:find [?title ?url]
:in [$ ?title]
:where [[?a :story/title ?title]
[?t :story/url ?url]]
:values ["Clojure 2.0 announced", "http://clojure.org/downloads/2.0-beta"]})
Atomic is currently in the design phase.
© 2015-2016 Facjure, LLC.
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.