This Repository is part of the master thesis of Marcel Würsten "Filecoin Consensus Performance Analysis"
Install k3s
Linux amd64
Similar steps for others platforms in
If you want/need to recompile the Go binaries, Golang 1.18 is required
Start the k3s engine with
You can then tart a dev net with
Once all nodes are up and ready (can take a while), the script returns after printing a corresponding message
You can additionaly specify how many nodes should be spawned and what topology should be used.
Warning: not all topologies work with any number of nodes!
Default values are 8 nodes in a star
./ <# of nodes> <topology>
default, all nodes connect to node-0ring
all nodes have exactly two connection and form a ringfull
all nodes connect to all other nodes --> might lead to dropped connectionstree
the nodes form a tree with each node having 2 leafs if there are enough nodes
To stop the network run
To kill the k3s engine call
Warning: killing the k3s engine doesn't really cleanup the left over nodes
Since docker caches the image and we don't always want to rebuild the entire image, if you want to rebuild the image and download the new version after stopping everything just call
docker system prune
With that you remove the chached data and on next run the image is rebuild entirely.