Welcome to my Playwright testing repository! This project demonstrates my ability to write automated tests for web applications using Playwright, covering multiple browsers like Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit.
This repository demonstrates my capabilities in:
- Automating functional tests across multiple browsers using Playwright.
- Writing test scripts for web applications.
- Configuring Playwright to run tests in headless mode and record videos/screenshots on failure.
- Handling complex web interactions, like navigation and element visibility checks.
All the test scripts can be found in the tests directory.
- Test Automation: Playwright for browser automation.
- Browsers: Chromium, Firefox, WebKit.
- Version Control: Git, GitHub.
- Tools: Node.js, npm, Playwright test runner.
The configuration for Playwright is stored in the playwright.config.js file.
This repository contains automated tests for different web applications. The test scripts cover a variety of scenarios, such as interacting with page elements, verifying page titles, and navigating between different pages. The results of these tests are generated as HTML reports, which can be found in the test-results directory.
Test scripts are located in the tests folder. Each test file contains one or more test cases that use Playwright’s testing framework.
To get started with running tests, make sure the following dependencies are installed:
- Node.js (version 14 or higher)
- Playwright (install using npm)
You can install the required dependencies by running the following command:
npm install
Once the setup is complete, you can run the tests using the following command:
npx playwright test
This will run all the tests across multiple browsers: Chromium, Firefox, and WebKit.
Test results will be saved in the test-results folder. You can also generate an HTML report using the Playwright test runner.