Release version 1.3
This library provides the basic functionality for developers to integrate their applications against the Fat Zebra API.
Currently the library provides the following functionality:
- Create a Purchase
- Find a Purchase
- Refund a Purchase
- Pre-auth a purchase (do not capture the purchase)
- Capture a pre-authorised purchase
Within your application you can use the following code to perform transactions:
// Setup - you only need to do this once upon application initialization
FatZebra.username = "TEST";
FatZebra.token = "TEST";
FatZebra.sandbox = true; // Omit this for production
// Alternatively you can setup a Gateway Context:
GatewayContext ctx = new GatewayContext();
int cardExpiryMonth = 7;
int cardExpiryYear = 2023;
HashMap<String,Object> card_data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
card_data.put("card_number", "5123456789012346");
card_data.put("card_holder", "James Smith");
card_data.put("cvv", "123");
card_data.put("card_expiry", String.format("%d/%d", cardExpiryMonth, cardExpiryYear));
try {
Purchase p = Purchase.create(
100, // The amount, as an integer. i.e. $150.75 would be 15075
card_data, // A HashMap of the card data we defined above
"my_reference", // Your order reference, such as an invoice number
"", // The customers IP address
"AUD" // The currency code (such as AUD, USD, EUR, GBP etc)
} catch(IOException ex) {
System.err.println("IOException in purchase request.");
} catch(APIError ex) {
System.err.println("API Error in purchase request.");
} catch(NetworkError ex) {
System.err.println("Network Error in purchase request.");
// If no exceptions are raised then you can inspect the purchase object:
if (p.successful) {
// Ok we are good to go with the successful transactions.
System.out.println(String.format("Transaction successful: %s", p.toString());
} else {
// The transaction was declined in the bank network
System.err.println(String.format("Transaction failed. Message: %s. Transaction: %s", p.message, p.toString()));
// If the transaction is successful you can refund it:
try {
boolean refunded = p.refund(
100, // Amount of refund - must be less then or equal to the transaction amount or remaining amount should any refunds be already made
"my_refund_reference" // Optional - if omitted we will use the purchase original reference.
} catch(IOException ex) {
System.err.println("IOException in refund request.");
} catch(APIError ex) {
System.err.println("API Error in refund request.");
} catch(NetworkError ex) {
System.err.println("Network Error in refund request.");
System.out.println(String.format("Refund successful: %s", refunded));
// Alternatively you can create a refund without the purchase
try {
Refund r = Refund.create(
100, // Amount as integer
"071-P-ABC123D5", // The transaction ID
"my refund ref" // Optional
} catch(IOException ex) {
System.err.println("IOException in refund request.");
} catch(APIError ex) {
System.err.println("API Error in refund request.");
} catch(NetworkError ex) {
System.err.println("Network Error in refund request.");
// Finally you can lookup transactions:
try {
Purchase p2 = Purchase.find("my_reference"); // You can use the merchant reference, or the Fat Zebra Transaction ID such as 071-P-XXMRSYH6
} catch(IOException ex) {
System.err.println("IOException in purchase lookup or refund request.");
} catch(APIError ex) {
System.err.println("API Error in purchase lookup or refund request.");
} catch(NetworkError ex) {
System.err.println("Network Error in purchase lookup or refund request.");
It is possible to pass a flag to the Purchase.create()
method to perform an auth/capture transaction. Once a transaction is authorised it can be captured up to 72 hours
after the successful auth.
// Setup - you only need to do this once upon application initialization
FatZebra.username = "TEST";
FatZebra.token = "TEST";
FatZebra.sandbox = true; // Omit this for production
int cardExpiryMonth = 7;
int cardExpiryYear = 2023;
HashMap<String,Object> card_data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
card_data.put("card_number", "5123456789012346");
card_data.put("card_holder", "James Smith");
card_data.put("cvv", "123");
card_data.put("card_expiry", String.format("%d/%d", cardExpiryMonth, cardExpiryYear));
try {
Purchase p = Purchase.create(
100, // The amount, as an integer. i.e. $150.75 would be 15075
card_data, // A HashMap of the card data we defined above
"my_reference", // Your order reference, such as an invoice number
"", // The customers IP address
"AUD", // The currency code (such as AUD, USD, EUR, GBP etc)
false // Indicates whether the transaction should be captured or not - default = true
// Capture the transaction:
if (p.successful) {
boolean captured = p.capture(10); // The capture amount can be less then or equal to the authorisation amount
if (captured) {
System.out.println(String.format("Transaction captured for %d", p.captured_total));
There are two exception classes defined:
- NetworkError - raised when connectivity issues are presented, such as a timeout, resolve or connect error
- API Error - raised when there is an error response from the API, such as validation issues, uniqueness colissions etc
This library depends on the following external dependencies:
- Google Gson version 2.2.4
- Apache HTTP Commons commons-codec version 1.6
These dependencies have been included in the project and packaged within the included jar.