simple command line web radio player
depends on mpv for playback, but other players such as mplayer can be selected with --player <...>
stations are saved as plain-text files in ./stations, containing one URL per file (the file name doubles as the station name displayed)
the stations provided in this repo are -unsurprisingly- ones that I like to listen to myself, serving as examples - there's no deeper meaning to the selection
--help Display this help message.
--player <...> Specify the player to be used (optional, default is mpv).
--player-option <...> Passes an option directly to the player. Use once per option.
--quiet Suppresses player output except errors (stderr).
--quieter Suppresses all player output (stdout and stderr). Also clears up the screen when returning to the menu.
--loop Automatically restart a stream unless the player is quit with Ctrl-C. EXPERIMENTAL, might break the script if with anything else than mpv!