is a telescope.nvim-extension that enhances live grepping with opinionated defaults and functionality.
- Extensible prefix-based CLI parsing for
, e.g. by default#md,lua sorter
would look for sorter in files withmd
extensions - Better (opinionated) defaults like
for tokens in prompt:this here
expands to "this*.here" in regex matching this, any characters in between, and here - Custom entry maker to parse
json to separate filenames as "section titles" (inspired by consult.el), configure line and column numbers, and perform accurate line highlighting - Opt-in results highlighting with treesitter (needs
results_ts_hl = true
Fuzzy-search is often not great at filtering results. 99% of my time, I mostly want to restrict searches by AND
(intersection of words in search prompt) and files. ripgrep
syntax is not as trivial as fzf
but with, e.g., helpers like telescope-egrepify
's prefixes enables more precise finding and filtering.
The screenshot shows searching for
only in files with md
extension (i.e. markdown files). For more prefixes and configuration, see Prefixes.
The core functionality of telescope-egrepify.nvim
are prefixes
. What you need to know at a glance:
- Prefixes seamlessly expand user-specific
flags on-the-fly - The below prefixes are the builtin-defaults with examples on how they are used
- During search, you can toggle the use of prefixes by hitting (z) in insert (normal) mode
- The configuration section shows how to opt out of a default and add another prefix.
-- filter for file suffixes
-- example prompt: #lua,md $MY_PROMPT
-- searches with ripgrep prompt $MY_PROMPT in files with extensions lua and md
-- i.e. rg --glob="*.{lua,md}" -- $MY_PROMPT
{ ["#"] = {
-- # is caught prefix
-- `input` becomes $REMAINDER
-- in the above example #lua,md -> input: lua,md
flag = "glob",
cb = function(input)
return string.format([[*.{%s}]], input)
-- filter for (partial) folder names
-- example prompt: >conf $MY_PROMPT
-- searches with ripgrep prompt $MY_PROMPT in paths that have "conf" in folder
-- i.e. rg --glob="**/conf*/**" -- $MY_PROMPT
[">"] = {
flag = "glob",
cb = function(input)
return string.format([[**/{%s}*/**]], input)
-- filter for (partial) file names
-- example prompt: &egrep $MY_PROMPT
-- searches with ripgrep prompt $MY_PROMPT in paths that have "egrep" in file name
-- i.e. rg --glob="*egrep*" -- $MY_PROMPT
["&"] = {
flag = "glob",
cb = function(input)
return string.format([[*{%s}*]], input)
See also Configuration
Here is one way to install this extension with lazy.nvim.
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }
Make sure to
require "telescope".setup({ "$YOUR_TELESCOPE_OPTS" })
require "telescope".load_extension "egrepify"
to appropriately setup the plugin. See Configuration for options to configure the extension.
You can call this extension with vimscript
:Telescope egrepify
or lua
require "telescope".extensions.egrepify.egrepify {}
The below configuration reflects defaults and examples on how to customize telescope-egrepify.nvim
to your liking.
local egrep_actions = require "telescope._extensions.egrepify.actions"
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
egrepify = {
-- intersect tokens in prompt ala "str1.*str2" that ONLY matches
-- if str1 and str2 are consecutively in line with anything in between (wildcard)
AND = true, -- default
permutations = false, -- opt-in to imply AND & match all permutations of prompt tokens
lnum = true, -- default, not required
lnum_hl = "EgrepifyLnum", -- default, not required, links to `Constant`
col = false, -- default, not required
col_hl = "EgrepifyCol", -- default, not required, links to `Constant`
title = true, -- default, not required, show filename as title rather than inline
filename_hl = "EgrepifyFile", -- default, not required, links to `Title`
results_ts_hl = true, -- set to false if you experience latency issues!
-- suffix = long line, see screenshot
prefixes = {
-- ADDED ! to invert matches
-- example prompt: ! sorter
-- matches all lines that do not comprise sorter
-- rg --invert-match -- sorter
["!"] = {
flag = "invert-match",
-- ^ is not a default prefix and safe example
["^"] = false
-- default mappings
mappings = {
i = {
-- toggle prefixes, prefixes is default
["<C-z>"] = egrep_actions.toggle_prefixes,
-- toggle AND, AND is default, AND matches tokens and any chars in between
["<C-a>"] = egrep_actions.toggle_and,
-- toggle permutations, permutations of tokens is opt-in
["<C-r>"] = egrep_actions.toggle_permutations,
require("telescope").load_extension "egrepify"
Insert mode | egrepify_actions | Description |
<C-z> |
toggle_prefixes | Toggle using prefixes on and off (default: on) |
<C-a> |
toggle_and | Toggle using AND on and off (default: on) |
<C-r> |
toggle_permutations | Toggle matching permutations (implies AND) on and off (default: off) |
Please consider forking for your own customization or well-formed PRs instead to fix issues or add new features. This extension foremost serves my own needs and turned into a plugin as maybe other users may want to personalize rg
via telescope.nvim
in similar fashion. Many options are configurable, but I would like to avoid added maintenace burden beyond review (and hopefully merging) of PRs.
Kudos to ChatGPT:
combines the concept of "grep" (a common Unix command for searching through files) with the word "Epsilon" (the fifth letter of the Greek alphabet, which can represent "my" in mathematical notation). The resulting word suggests a personalized or customized version of grep.