Atom-logstash is the way to connect Logstash with ironSource.atom, stand alone or with a Docker container.
1. Create a file named logstash.conf with following configuration:
# An input plugin enables a specific source of events to be read by Logstash.
input {
# this example contains <file> as input, but logstash supports more:
file {
# default codec is plain, for different codecs, read this:
# path can be an array or string and can contain asterisk, like this:
path => [ "/var/log/log-from-host/", "/var/log/*.log" ]
path => "/data/mysql/mysql.log"
# filter plugin
filter {
fingerprint {
key => "${AUTH}" #pre-shared auth key from your Atom stream
method => "SHA256"
# output plugin
output {
http {
url => ""
headers => {
"x-ironsource-atom-sdk-type" => "logstash"
"x-ironsource-atom-sdk-version" => "${SDK_VERSION:1.0.0}"
http_method => "post"
format => "json"
mapping => {
"table" => "${STREAM}"
"data" => "%{message}"
"auth" => "%{fingerprint}"
workers => 5
ssl_certificate_validation => false
2. Run logstash
STREAM=<the name of your stream> AUTH=<your pre shared auth key> logstash --allow-env -f logstash.conf
1. Create docker-compose.yaml with the following content:
version: '2'
image: logstash:2.3
command: bash -c "logstash --allow-env -f /etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf"
STREAM: ${STREAM} # Your Atom Stream
AUTH: ${AUTH} # Your pre-shared key to Atom Stream
### Specify the logstash.conf file path on your host ###
- <path to your logstash.conf file on your host>:/etc/logstash/conf.d/logstash.conf
### Specify the path of the files that you want logstash to use, can have multiple paths ###
- /var/log/app-logs:/var/log/log-from-host
# For more options:
container_name: logstash-atom
2. Run docker-compose:
STREAM=<the name of your stream> AUTH=<your pre shared auth key> docker-compose up (-d for detached)
export STREAM=<the name of your stream>
export AUTH=<your pre shared auth key>
docker-compose up -d
You can use our example for sending data to Atom.