Drone CI plugin to publish builds to a custom rancher-catalog.
This plugin will read all of the tags in the specified Docker Hub Repo and create entries based on 2 styles of tags.
- Release Tags:
- Feature Branch Tags:
We use buildgoggles to generate these tags for our nodejs projects and a customized version of drone-docker to publish programmatic tags to https://hub.docker.com.
This creates a catalog for a single github project. Creates a Entry for each branch with a version of each entry for every build ordered by version/build in each Docker Hub tag.
base/ # Go Templates (Create/Edit These)
|_ catalogIcon.(png|svg) # Copy for branch/catalogIcon.(png|svg)
|_ config.tmpl # Template for branch/config.yml
|_ rancher-compose.tmpl # Template for branch/0/rancher-compose.yml
|_ docker-compose.tmpl # Template for branch/0/docker-compose.yml
templates/ # Generated Catalog (don't manually edit)
|_ master/ # based on branch name (master for Release Tag)
|_ config.yml # Catalog Entry config
|_ catalogIcon.png # icon image
|_ 0/ # builds for a branch
|_ docker-compose.yml # Entry/Build docker-compose.yml
|_ rancher-compose.yml # Entry/Build rancher-compose.yml
|_ 1/
|_ docker-compose.yml
|_ rancher-compose.yml
|_ feature-branch/
|_ config.yml
|_ catalogIcon.png
|_ 0/
|_ docker-compose.yml
|_ rancher-compose.yml
Create a GitHub Repo. This is catalog_repo:
value in ``.drone.yml`
Sample Repo to get you started.
drone-rancher-catalog will read the templates from the base/
directory and build the Catalog templates/
files are Go templates
Templates are executed with:
{{ .Tag }} // Full tag from Docker Hub
{{ .Count }} // Which Build in Branch
{{ .Owner }} // Github Owner of Docker Tag or Drone Build
{{ .Project }} // Github Repo of Docker Tag or Drone Build
{{ .Branch }} // Branch of Docker Tag or master for Release
{{ .Version }} // Version of Docker Tag
{{ .Build }} // Build of Docker Tag or 1 for Release
{{ .SHA }} // Short SHA of Docker Tag or "" for Release
Add a publish step to your project .drone.yml
This will require you to add jgreat/drone-rancher-catalog
variable when you run the drone server.
image: jgreat/drone-rancher-catalog
docker_username: $$DOCKER_USER # Docker Hub Username
docker_password: $$DOCKER_PASS # Docker Hub Password
docker_repo: jgreat/core-api # Docker Hub Repo
catalog_repo: jgreat/rancher-core-api # Rancher Catalog to Populate
github_token: $$GITHUB_TOKEN # Personal GitHub API Token
github_user: Jason Greathouse # GitHub Username (for git commit)
github_email: [email protected] # GitHub Email (for git commit)
- Idea: Some kind of tag matching template and regex to allow any kind of tags.
- Issue: Don't delete tags from your registry. Will mess up the catalog dir order. Need to create and maintain a simple index of builds.
build with go version 1.6
Restore Dependencies
godep restore
Test Run