Lightweight Docker image for NGINX with ACME support
# Just for testing
docker run \
--rm -it \
--net host \
--name nginx-test \
--publish 80:80/tcp \
# Create directory structure first
mkdir -p /root/nginx/etc/nginx/certs
mkdir -p /root/nginx/etc/nginx/sites
# Run production version
docker run \
--detach \
--restart always \
--name nginx \
--publish 80:80/tcp \
--publish 443:443/tcp \
--link gitlab:gitlab \
--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--volume /etc/machine_id:/etc/machine_id:ro \
--volume /root/nginx/etc/nginx/sites:/etc/nginx/sites:ro \
--volume /root/nginx/etc/nginx/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:rw \
--volume /root/nginx/var/www/ \
# domain name
export certfile=""
# generate new certificates
docker exec -it nginx \
/root/ \
--issue --keylength 4096 \
--domain ${certfile} \
--domain www.${certfile} \
--domain static.${certfile} \
--webroot /etc/nginx/certs/webroot/${certfile} \
--certpath /etc/nginx/certs/${certfile}.crt \
--keypath /etc/nginx/certs/${certfile}.key \
--capath /etc/nginx/certs/ca-${certfile}.crt \
--fullchainpath /etc/nginx/certs/${certfile}.pem \
--reloadcmd "nginx -s reload"
# restart nginx container
docker restart nginx
See generate-certs-sample
for more information and use the following CRON job example.
# Renew certificates
0 1 1 * * /bin/bash /root/bin/generate-certs