Releases: fiduswriter/ojs-fiduswriter
Releases · fiduswriter/ojs-fiduswriter Release
- updated for compatibility with OJS
- implemented auto creation of review pending revision
- grant the JournalManagers same rights as the Editors on FidusWriter
- communicate review_method rather than access_rights
- not showing link to submission file, if the user has not access to it
- check if submission revision exists before rendering link to Fidus Writer
- Use localized submission title
Advanced access rights for OJS
- Compatibility update for OJS
- When no matching OJS-account for the FW-account found, new OJS-account will be created and send an email for password resetting.
- Review revisions will be created, only if the user has manually triggered it after the review decision is taken.
- Support revisions on FW for copyediting and production steps.
- Journal managers will be notified about the updates on revisions from authors and editors by email.
- Every submission editors will be connected to their own FW account. (until the last release, all editors were connected with the FW account of the main editor)
- Support secondary authors.
- Access rights to revisions corresponding to the role management on OJS. e.g.) The user assigned as an assistant to a submission may "Comment" on review revisions and "Write-Tracked" on copyright-draft revision.
This version is compatible with OJS
add getSite to fake request
- Added getSite() function to fake request object. OJS 3.1
- Make work with OJS 3.1 and Fidus Writer 3.3
- Add abstract
- Send all required notifications after submission like regular submission
- Give full communication rights if review is open
- Only give read access to document until reviewer has accepted review