Authentication web services for FieldDB
Install the module with: npm install fieldb-auth
var fieldb_auth = require('fieldb-auth');
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using the scipts in package.json.
Edit your /etc/hosts to add an entry for localhost
Turn on your local couchdb and make sure it is running on Record tests by adding .only
on the tests you wish to record:
$ DEBUG=*user*,*nock*,*replay* REPLAY=record npm test
As a result you should see a directory corresponding to the server, and files with-in it representing the requests:
$ tree test/fixtures/
└── 154417467505825257
- v1.16 mongoose auth & everyauth
- v1.32 switched to couchdb
- v1.62 gravatars
- v1.72 server side support for user creation for spreadsheet (without the offline prototype)
- v1.102 support for Learn X users
- v2.12.0 support for psycholinguistics dashboard users and branded emails depending on the client side
- v2.44.22 updated architecture from nodejs 0.6 to 0.12 to build consitent api for v2
Licensed under the Apache, 2.0 licenses.