Introducing v2.1.5
What's Changed
- Added access keys to the toolbar by @yaichenbaum in #7508
- Detect Jottacloud cloud drive by @tormodfj in #7744
- Reduced minimum sidebar width from 250 to 180 by @aleksanderlukasiewicz in #7725
- Added run script button to toolbar by @puppetsw in #7767
- Select newly created files or folders by @jiejasonliu in #7657
- Added support for Segoe UI Variable on Windows 11 by @yaichenbaum in #7786
- Added extract archive button to toolbar by @puppetsw in #7696
- Added info bar to clarify the risks for the option to set Files as the default file manager by @yaichenbaum in #7790
- Added set as background button to toolbar when selecting an image file by @puppetsw in #7795
- Removed duplicate options to open terminal by @yaichenbaum in #7783
- Added support for opening applications from the pathbox by @StefanLobbenmeier in #7859
- Added ctrl+shift+k shortcut to duplicate tab by @BlairCurrey in #7901
- Added install button to toolbar when selecting a font file by @puppetsw in #7846
- Added rotate left/right button on toolbar when selecting images by @puppetsw in #7832
- Adjusted padding of TabViewScrollButtons by @puppetsw in #7915
- Added install button to toolbar when selecting an inf file by @puppetsw in #7860
- Added support for expanding the preview pane further than 400px by @yaichenbaum in #7920
- Added "Close tabs to the left" and "Close others" to tab context menu by @manfromarce in #8015
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing users from creating multiple bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7787
- Fixed Nextcloud detection by @50thomatoes50 in #7763
- Fixed loading of items under network by @gave92 in #7931
- Fixed crash that would occur when repeatedly clicking the restore default button by @puppetsw in #7891
- Fixed an issue where switching layouts would hide the text in empty directories by @puppetsw in #7909
- Fixed the focus issues in the delete confirmation dialog issue by @puppetsw in #7882
- Fixed an issue where folders weren't removed from the JumpList by @puppetsw in #7867
- Fixed image thumbnails not appearing by @gave92 in #7881
New Contributors
- @JMOrbegoso made their first contribution in #7727
- @tormodfj made their first contribution in #7744
- @aleksanderlukasiewicz made their first contribution in #7725
- @puppetsw made their first contribution in #7767
- @PetoFeFe made their first contribution in #7775
- @EasyThe made their first contribution in #7762
- @StefanLobbenmeier made their first contribution in #7859
- @50thomatoes50 made their first contribution in #7763
- @elvistkf made their first contribution in #7955
- @manfromarce made their first contribution in #8015
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.5