Releases: files-community/Files
Releases · files-community/Files
Introducing v2.3
What's Changed
- Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2 by @dependabot in #8248
- Corrected the Arabic translation by @FilopateerMaged in #8258
- Update by @slorixsh in #8260
- Update Files.en-GB.xlf by @Wtcheesecakes in #8278
- Update Japasese translations & Fix weird translations by @pklion in #8272
- Updated Files.zh-Hant.xlf by @elvistkf in #8261
- Update Files.zh-Hans.xlf by @SudaCat in #8226
- Updated colored icon font by @yaichenbaum in #8247
- Added a shortcut to open folders in Terminal by @puppetsw in #8268
- Removed the minimize and maximize buttons from the Properties window when using AppWindow by @ahmed605 in #8245
- Fixed duplicate drives added to the sidebar by @gave92 in #8325
- Reverted changes from @piotrulos by @yaichenbaum in #8340
- Reverted changes from @kaavi98 by @yaichenbaum in #8341
- Add missing Polish translations by @Daxxxis in #8342
- Updated es-ES translation by @oxixes in #8359
- Fix warnings (continuation) by @cinqmilleans in #8210
- Update capitalization in nav pane en-GB & en-US by @michalmrowiec in #8357
- Removed extra resources by @yaichenbaum in #8143
- Improve JumpString behavior by @gave92 in #8324
- Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.0.0 to 17.1.0 by @dependabot in #8393
- Fixed an issue where the toolbar height would sometimes change by @yaichenbaum in #8404
- Show error banner if copy or move fails by @gave92 in #8322
- Fixed crash that would occur when scrolling down in the properties window by @yaichenbaum in #8403
- Added animated visuals by @yaichenbaum in #8402
- Update Files.el.xlf by @tsakalerisk in #8407
- Fix translation error in Files.zh-Hant.xlf by @elvistkf in #8426
- Better italian translation by @TheBossMagnus in #8152
- Fix crash when deleting files by @gave92 in #8438
- Remove RegistryToJsonSettingsMerger class by @gave92 in #8437
- Added tags section to the sidebar by @gave92 in #8435
- Fixed issue that causes a window to close when a tab is torn off by @manfromarce in #8433
- Added context menu to hide sidebar sections by @oleklukasiewicz in #8317
- Auto select primary button in empty recycle bin dialog by @mafra99 in #8442
- Revert changes by @yaichenbaum in #8444
- Fix SearchBox height by @cinqmilleans in #8452
- Update FR-fr by @cinqmilleans in #8450
- Improves MultiPanes by @cinqmilleans in #8321
- Add c# functionality "init" and "record" by @cinqmilleans in #8421
- Properly dispose event in FolderSizeProvider by @yaichenbaum in #8454
- Fix wrong foreground text color in zoomed-out Group headers by @gave92 in #8457
- Fixed tags section in the context menu by @oleklukasiewicz in #8460
- [infrastructure] Changed project structure by @d2dyno1 in #8464
- Removed unused resources by @yaichenbaum in #8456
- Moved settings services to Files.Backend by @d2dyno1 in #8479
- Revert prs for MIT by @yaichenbaum in #8487
- Added required individual components of VS to readme by @konradsikorski in #8480
- Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0-preview1 by @dependabot in #8488
- Fix config x64 (Backend/Shared) by @cinqmilleans in #8494
- fix: Remove unneeded solution configs, correct namespace references by @lukeblevins in #8499
- Updated ru-RU by @xlifi in #8525
- Updated ko-KR by @somnisomni in #8541
- [infrastructure] Implemented IDialogService by @d2dyno1 in #8483
- Toolbar buttons in recycle bin by @puppetsw in #8545
- Select next item after deletion and reduce code complexity by @jiejasonliu in #8503
- Updated appinstaller url to point to the new cdn by @yaichenbaum in #8558
- Removed behavior of auto resizing columns by @yaichenbaum in #8589
- Added ILogger interface by @cinqmilleans in #8594
- chore: Remove, ungroup various enums by @lukeblevins in #8580
- Fixed the close pane icon by @bebeyaco in #8513
- Fix FilesystemTasks error code by @cinqmilleans in #8604
- Bump Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.Core from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3 by @dependabot in #8608
- Added pull to refresh gesture by @yaichenbaum in #8600
- Update Id-ID by @shiazza in #8611
- Bump CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 8.0.0-preview1 to 8.0.0-preview2 by @dependabot in #8629
- Bump Vanara.PInvoke.Mpr from 3.3.15 to 3.4.0 by @dependabot in #8665
- Update Chinese language by @SudaCat in #8666
- Added a debounce for image rotation command. by @devovercome in #8682
- Show more file types in "New" context menu by @manfromarce in #8598
- Fix broken ta translation by @onein528 in #8710
- Use external launcher to set Files as default explorer by @gave92 in #8684
- Improved behavior when entering restricted characters by @szabolcstarnai in #8204
- Copy launcher to output directory by @gave92 in #8717
- Fixed release pipeline by @yaichenbaum in #8718
- Update id-ID by @shiazza in #8723
- Notify when pinned items config changes by @jiejasonliu in #8712
- Reduced sidebar items height to match default ListViewItem by @yaichenbaum in #8745
- Implemented connected tab styles by @yaichenbaum in #8740
- Compact spacing for the details layout by @yaichenbaum in #8751
- Increased padding on Pathbar by @puppetsw in #8758
- Added chevron to pathbar to match design spec by @yaichenbaum in #8764
- Moved Linq extensions to Files.Shared by @cinqmilleans in #8761
- Update by @R3voA3 in #8773
- Fix MainPage adaptive triggers by @gave92 in #8778
- Fix crash when "show folder sizes" is enabled by @gave92 in #8716
- Fix default & build in case of usernames with spaces by @gave92 in #8779
- Updated themes to work with new tab design by @yaichenbaum in #8782
- Fix new/rename dialog processing stale text by @jiejasonliu in #8783
- Remove each x:uid by @cinqmilleans in #8792
- Update pt-PT language by @esibruti in #8790
- Auto select first item in user list for permissions by @yaichenbaum in #8794
- Add support for creating google docs files from the "new" menu by @gave92 in #87...
Introducing v2.1.24
What's Changed
- Uninstalling Files when it's set as the default file manager will now reset the default to File Explorer
Full Changelog: v2.1.13...v2.1.24
This update is currently only available for the sideload version of Files but we're working on bringing it to the store version as well.
Introducing v2.1.15
What's Changed
- Removed option to set default file manager from the store version of Files (#8474)
Full Changelog: v2.1.13...v2.1.15
Introducing v2.1.13
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes prevent users from changing the layout by @cinqmilleans in #8255
Full Changelog: v2.1.7...v2.1.13
Introducing v2.1.7
What's Changed
- Improved performance of the delete confirmation dialog by @gave92 in #8041
- Improved UI responsiveness for file operations with many items by @gave92 in #8046
- Added update button to the toolbar by @puppetsw in #8054
- Stop loading icons when the conflict dialog is closed by @gave92 in #8042
- Added an option to hide files dot files by @manfromarce in #8169
- Added a shortcut to collapse the sidebar by @aleksanderlukasiewicz in #8157
- Show progress in status center while preparing items for copy, cut and drag by @gave92 in #8047
Bug Fixes
- Fixed crash that would sometimes occur when closing the properties window by @gave92 in #8016
- Fixed breadcrumb hit target by @yaichenbaum in #8098
- Fixed an issue where the tab title was missing in the document's library by @puppetsw in #8107
- Fixed an issue where symlinks weren't displaying properly by @acesyde in #8145
- Fixed a crash that would occur when renaming items in the tile's layout by @szabolcstarnai in #8189
- Fixed moving items from PC to MTP (phone) storage by @gave92 in #8044
New Contributors
- @is-pyu made their first contribution in #8061
- @szabolcstarnai made their first contribution in #8116
- @TheBossMagnus made their first contribution in #8135
- @antontsvil made their first contribution in #8127
- @JastinXyz made their first contribution in #8150
- @CodeDoctorDE made their first contribution in #8125
- @shiazza made their first contribution in #8164
- @acesyde made their first contribution in #8145
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.2
Introducing v2.1.5
What's Changed
- Added access keys to the toolbar by @yaichenbaum in #7508
- Detect Jottacloud cloud drive by @tormodfj in #7744
- Reduced minimum sidebar width from 250 to 180 by @aleksanderlukasiewicz in #7725
- Added run script button to toolbar by @puppetsw in #7767
- Select newly created files or folders by @jiejasonliu in #7657
- Added support for Segoe UI Variable on Windows 11 by @yaichenbaum in #7786
- Added extract archive button to toolbar by @puppetsw in #7696
- Added info bar to clarify the risks for the option to set Files as the default file manager by @yaichenbaum in #7790
- Added set as background button to toolbar when selecting an image file by @puppetsw in #7795
- Removed duplicate options to open terminal by @yaichenbaum in #7783
- Added support for opening applications from the pathbox by @StefanLobbenmeier in #7859
- Added ctrl+shift+k shortcut to duplicate tab by @BlairCurrey in #7901
- Added install button to toolbar when selecting a font file by @puppetsw in #7846
- Added rotate left/right button on toolbar when selecting images by @puppetsw in #7832
- Adjusted padding of TabViewScrollButtons by @puppetsw in #7915
- Added install button to toolbar when selecting an inf file by @puppetsw in #7860
- Added support for expanding the preview pane further than 400px by @yaichenbaum in #7920
- Added "Close tabs to the left" and "Close others" to tab context menu by @manfromarce in #8015
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue preventing users from creating multiple bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7787
- Fixed Nextcloud detection by @50thomatoes50 in #7763
- Fixed loading of items under network by @gave92 in #7931
- Fixed crash that would occur when repeatedly clicking the restore default button by @puppetsw in #7891
- Fixed an issue where switching layouts would hide the text in empty directories by @puppetsw in #7909
- Fixed the focus issues in the delete confirmation dialog issue by @puppetsw in #7882
- Fixed an issue where folders weren't removed from the JumpList by @puppetsw in #7867
- Fixed image thumbnails not appearing by @gave92 in #7881
New Contributors
- @JMOrbegoso made their first contribution in #7727
- @tormodfj made their first contribution in #7744
- @aleksanderlukasiewicz made their first contribution in #7725
- @puppetsw made their first contribution in #7767
- @PetoFeFe made their first contribution in #7775
- @EasyThe made their first contribution in #7762
- @StefanLobbenmeier made their first contribution in #7859
- @50thomatoes50 made their first contribution in #7763
- @elvistkf made their first contribution in #7955
- @manfromarce made their first contribution in #8015
Full Changelog: v2.1.2...v2.1.5
Introducing v2.1.2
What's Changed
- Added properties button to the toolbar by @AJLeuer in #7566
- Added ability to set tags on read-only folders by @gave92 in #7558
- When multiple files are selected, open them together by @gave92 in #7557
- Changed default dual pane width to 50% by @BlairCurrey in #7619
- Bundled themes inside of the app by @yaichenbaum in #7616
Bug Fixes
- Fixed folder size visibility in properties for hidden folders by @cinqmilleans in #7538
- Fixed an issue where the add item option was sometimes disabled in empty bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7569
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when emptying recycle bin by @gave92 in #7555
- Fixed copy & paste when 2 instances of the app were open by @gave92 in #7556
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when checking cloud sync status by @gave92 in #7483
- Fixed issues with back/forward and pathbar navigation in ColumnView by @gave92 in #7504
- Fixed inconsistencies between file creation flyouts by @petrjancar in #7618
New Contributors
- @JordyEGNL made their first contribution in #7545
- @AJLeuer made their first contribution in #7566
- @BlairCurrey made their first contribution in #7570
- @h1g0 made their first contribution in #7649
- @inductor made their first contribution in #7632
- @akihironagai made their first contribution in #7697
- @anas-elgarhy made their first contribution in #7653
- @Daxxxis made their first contribution in #7711
Full Changelog: v2.1...v2.1.2
Introducing v2.1
- Added a hotkey for playing audio and video in the preview pane by @TomaszSteblik in #6690
- Added a toolbar button to empty recycle bin by @cinqmilleans in #6693
- Set window title to be the same as the selected tab name by @gave92 in #6762
- Added compatibility section to the properties window by @gave92 in #6691
- Increased Native Read > 4096 limit by @d2dyno1 in #6852
- Added native ARM64 Support by @gus33000 in #6901
- Added support for Nextcloud by @gave92 in #7401
- Detect Yandex.Disk cloud drive by @gave92 in #7406
- Redesigned the properties window @yaichenbaum in #7416
- Redesigned the settings dialog by @yaichenbaum in #6930
- Increased icon size in the customization properties page by @timwenger in #7021
- Added support for symbolic file links by @gave92 in #7006
- Added clear all button to the ongoing tasks flyout by @petrjancar in #7025
- Open new columns in the column layout on a single click by @yaichenbaum in #7470
- Added keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+H) to show/hide hidden files by @guillaume-nizet in #7106
- Import/export all settings into a zipped archive by @gave92 in #7078
- Made active ongoing tasks appear at the top of the ongoing tasks flyout by @petrjancar in #7022
- Remove delay of loading sidebar items and other services on startup by @winston-de in #7104
- Mousewheel click opens new tab at selected path by @Raithlin in #7126
- Open recycle bin & this pc in Files when set as the default file manager @gave92 in #7408
- Open control panel in existing window when Files is set as the default file manager by @gave92 in #7456
- Added experimental option to show folder sizes by @cinqmilleans in #7244
- Add action on label click to change layout by @cinqmilleans in #7191
- Show basic preview for recycle bin items by @winston-de in #7203
- Added support for collapsing widgets on the homepage by @yaichenbaum in #7285
- Extended click area to whole settings block by @d2dyno1 in #7336
- Update tab titles using current navigation arguments by @jiejasonliu in #7333
- Added subtle listview animation by @yaichenbaum in #7311
- Added option to open Files on Windows startup by @esibruti in #7309
- Improved the behavior when installing fonts by @gave92 in #7394
- Improved keyboard navigation in the details layout by @gave92 in #7390
- Improved keyboard navigation in the column layout by @gave92 in #7425
- Improved the behavior of the taskbar jumplist by @Jaiganeshkumaran in #7141
- Extended the rename textbox width in the details layout by @duke7553 in #7445
- Do not block UI while loading drive properties by @gave92 in #7464
- Properly toggle "permanent delete" check in confirmation dialog by @gave92 in #7500
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur when dropping a shortcut over an executable file by @gave92 in #6696
- Fixed copying shortcuts, small changes to ftp by @gave92 in #6703
- Fixed an issue where the option to reset the default file explorer wouldn't work after reinstalling Files by @gave92 in #6769
- Fixed an issue where changing the sort option would create a hidden file by @gave92 in #6741
- Fixed an issue where grouping by date might include files from previous week by @SHADOW-XIII in #6898
- Fixed an issue where restoring items from recycle bin would remove the file extension by @d2dyno1 in #6985
- Fixes an issue causing the file tags list to be serialized wrong by @gave92 in #7017
- Fixed an issue where file extensions would sometimes get removed when renaming items by @gave92 in #7015
- Fixed invalid items from being added to bundles by @d2dyno1 in #7119
- Fixed search button on home page by @cinqmilleans in #7118
- Fixed inner toolbar state on startup by @cinqmilleans in #7166
- Show network shortcuts on the sidebar by @gave92 in #7185
- Workaround for copying to MTP by @gave92 in #7212
- Avoid reading the whole file into memory when adding a file to a .zip archive by @gave92 in #7123
- Fixed an issue where clicking the okay button in the properties window sometimes wouldn't work by @gave92 in #7201
- Prevent repetitive viewport analysis in PointerMoved by @duke7553 in #7366
- Fixed right pane being always loaded by @gave92 in #7376
- Fixed an issue where some buttons didn't have text by @gave92 in #7381
- Fixed folder shortcuts opening in explorer by @gave92 in #7391
- Fixed text selection when renaming by @gave92 in #7455
- Fixed advanced properties opening in the wrong window by @gave92 in #7439
New Contributors
- @TomaszSteblik made their first contribution in #6690
- @PabloDaniel0 made their first contribution in #6710
- @Gitoffthelawn made their first contribution in #6819
- @Athey81 made their first contribution in #6832
- @maikkunrk made their first contribution in #6850
- @gus33000 made their first contribution in #6901
- @Coding-Young made their first contribution in #6916
- @timwenger made their first contribution in #7021
- @petrjancar made their first contribution in #7022
- @meziantou made their first contribution in #7103
- @guillaume-nizet made their first contribution in #7106
- @Johndoe0153 made their first contribution in #7160
- @Raithlin made their first contribution in #7175
- @tsakalerisk made their first contribution in #7207
- @heckelson made their first contribution in #7228
- @VOOM108 made their first contribution in #7238
- @coldu made their first contribution in #7231
- @jiejasonliu made their first contribution in #7333
- @ricardosousaIB made their first contribution in #7440
- @MalteTasler made their first contribution in #7506
Full Changelog: v2.0.33...v2.1
Introducing v2.0.34
- Added a warning to the option to set Files as the default file manager
Introducing v2.0.33
New Features
- Added
shortcut to copy file path (#6245) - Added an option to set Files as the default file manager (#6107)
- Show file operation progress on taskbar & continue operations when minimized (#6273)
- Added individual options for amount of clicks to open files and folders (#6441)
- Added group by path option for libraries (#6450)
- Respect default app for zip files (#6457)
- Use proper tab name on the home page (#6477)
- Added caching to load thumbnails faster (#6484)
- Added options to import/export settings (#6542)
- Improved reliability of the search experience (#6671)
- Added support for choosing custom icons (#6639)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash that would occur when going up from a network root path (#6204)
- Fixed an issue where the edit tags & edit terminals buttons weren't working (#6236)
- Fixed an issue where the OneDrive sync status wasn't updating (#6248)
- Fixed issue where preview pane would be shown unexpectedly when quickly selecting then unselecting a file (#6297)
- Fixed drag and drop from 7zip (#6387)
- Fixed keyboard shortcuts not working in the column layout (#6446)
- Fixed an issue where the context menu had the wrong height (#6483)
- Switch quicklook preview on selection change (#6543)
- Fixed an issue where env variables didn't refresh when launching terminal (#6663)