To learn more about this SDK, please visit our API Reference
Install filestack
with pip
pip install filestack-python
or directly from GitHub
pip install git+
The Filestack SDK allows you to upload and handle filelinks using two main classes: Client and Filelink.
from filestack import Client
client = Client('<YOUR_API_KEY>')
new_filelink = client.upload(filepath='path/to/file')
To upload files using Filestack Intelligent Ingestion, simply add intelligent=True
new_filelink = client.upload(filepath='path/to/file', intelligent=True)
FII always uses multipart uploads. In case of network issues, it will dynamically split file parts into smaller chunks (sacrificing upload speed in favour of upload reliability).
Filelink objects can by created by uploading new files, or by initializing filestack.Filelink
with already existing file handle
from filestack import Filelink, Client
client = Client('<APIKEY>')
filelink = client.upload(filepath='path/to/file')
filelink.url # '
# work with previously uploaded file
filelink = Filelink('FILE_HANDLE')
With a Filelink, you can download to a local path or get the content of a file. You can also perform various transformations.
file_content = new_filelink.get_content()
size_in_bytes ='/path/to/file')
You can chain transformations on both Filelinks and external URLs. Storing transformations will return a new Filelink object.
transform = client.transform_external('http://<SOME_URL>')
new_filelink = transform.resize(width=500, height=500).flip().enhance().store()
filelink = Filelink('<YOUR_HANDLE'>)
new_filelink = filelink.resize(width=500, height=500).flip().enhance().store()
You can also retrieve the transformation url at any point.
transform_candidate = client.transform_external('http://<SOME_URL>')
transform = transform_candidate.resize(width=500, height=500).flip().enhance()
Audio and video conversion works just like any transformation, except it returns an instance of class AudioVisual, which allows you to check the status of your video conversion, as well as get its UUID and timestamp.
av_object = filelink.av_convert(width=100, height=100)
while (av_object.status != 'completed'):
The status property makes a call to the API to check its current status, and you can call to_filelink() once video is complete (this function checks its status first and will fail if not completed yet).
filelink = av_object.to_filelink()
Security is set on Client or Filelink classes upon instantiation and is used to sign all API calls.
from filestack import Security
policy = {'expiry': 253381964415} # 'expiry' is the only required key
security = Security(policy, '<YOUR_APP_SECRET>')
client = Client('<YOUR_API_KEY', security=security)
# new Filelink object inherits security and will use for all calls
new_filelink = client.upload(filepath='path/to/file')
# you can also provide Security objects explicitly for some methods
size_in_bytes =
You can also retrieve security details straight from the object:
>>> policy = {'expiry': 253381964415, 'call': ['read']}
>>> security = Security(policy, 'SECURITY-SECRET')
>>> security.policy_b64
>>> security.signature
You can use filestack.helpers.verify_webhook_signature
method to make sure that the webhooks you receive are sent by Filestack.
from filestack.helpers import verify_webhook_signature
# webhook_data is raw content you receive
webhook_data = b'{"action": "fp.upload", "text": {"container": "some-bucket", "url": "", "filename": "filename.png", "client": "Computer", "key": "key_filename.png", "type": "image/png", "size": 1000000}, "id": 50006}'
result, details = verify_webhook_signature(
if result is True:
print('Webhook is valid and was generated by Filestack')
raise Exception(details['error'])
Filestack Python SDK follows the Semantic Versioning.