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774 lines (568 loc) · 31 KB

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774 lines (568 loc) · 31 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
delete_counterparty_agreement DELETE /api/counterparties/counterpartyagreements/{scope}/{code} [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCounterpartyAgreement: Delete the Counterparty Agreement of given scope and code
delete_credit_support_annex DELETE /api/counterparties/creditsupportannexes/{scope}/{code} [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCreditSupportAnnex: Delete the Credit Support Annex of given scope and code
get_counterparty_agreement GET /api/counterparties/counterpartyagreements/{scope}/{code} [EARLY ACCESS] GetCounterpartyAgreement: Get Counterparty Agreement
get_credit_support_annex GET /api/counterparties/creditsupportannexes/{scope}/{code} [EARLY ACCESS] GetCreditSupportAnnex: Get Credit Support Annex
list_counterparty_agreements GET /api/counterparties/counterpartyagreements [EARLY ACCESS] ListCounterpartyAgreements: List the set of Counterparty Agreements
list_credit_support_annexes GET /api/counterparties/creditsupportannexes [EARLY ACCESS] ListCreditSupportAnnexes: List the set of Credit Support Annexes
upsert_counterparty_agreement POST /api/counterparties/counterpartyagreements [EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCounterpartyAgreement: Upsert Counterparty Agreement
upsert_credit_support_annex POST /api/counterparties/creditsupportannexes [EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCreditSupportAnnex: Upsert Credit Support Annex


AnnulSingleStructuredDataResponse delete_counterparty_agreement(scope, code)

[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCounterpartyAgreement: Delete the Counterparty Agreement of given scope and code

Delete the specified Counterparty Agreement from a single scope. The response will return either detail of the deleted item, or an explanation (failure) as to why this did not succeed. It is important to always check for any unsuccessful response.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the Counterparty Agreement to delete.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The Counterparty Agreement to delete.

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.delete_counterparty_agreement(scope, code, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCounterpartyAgreement: Delete the Counterparty Agreement of given scope and code
        api_response = api_instance.delete_counterparty_agreement(scope, code)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->delete_counterparty_agreement: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the Counterparty Agreement to delete.
code str The Counterparty Agreement to delete.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The AsAt of deletion or failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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AnnulSingleStructuredDataResponse delete_credit_support_annex(scope, code)

[EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCreditSupportAnnex: Delete the Credit Support Annex of given scope and code

Delete the specified Credit Support Annex from a single scope. The response will return either detail of the deleted item, or an explanation (failure) as to why this did not succeed. It is important to always check for any unsuccessful response.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the Credit Support Annex to delete.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The Credit Support Annex to delete.

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.delete_credit_support_annex(scope, code, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] DeleteCreditSupportAnnex: Delete the Credit Support Annex of given scope and code
        api_response = api_instance.delete_credit_support_annex(scope, code)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->delete_credit_support_annex: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the Credit Support Annex to delete.
code str The Credit Support Annex to delete.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The AsAt of deletion or failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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GetCounterpartyAgreementResponse get_counterparty_agreement(scope, code, as_at=as_at)

[EARLY ACCESS] GetCounterpartyAgreement: Get Counterparty Agreement

Get a Counterparty Agreement from a single scope. The response will return either the Counterparty Agreement that has been stored, or a failure explaining why the request was unsuccessful. It is important to always check for any unsuccessful requests (failures).


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the Counterparty Agreement to retrieve.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The name of the Counterparty Agreement to retrieve the data for.
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Counterparty Agreement. Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.get_counterparty_agreement(scope, code, as_at=as_at, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] GetCounterpartyAgreement: Get Counterparty Agreement
        api_response = api_instance.get_counterparty_agreement(scope, code, as_at=as_at)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->get_counterparty_agreement: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the Counterparty Agreement to retrieve.
code str The name of the Counterparty Agreement to retrieve the data for.
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Counterparty Agreement. Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The successfully retrieved Counterparty Agreement or any failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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GetCreditSupportAnnexResponse get_credit_support_annex(scope, code, as_at=as_at)

[EARLY ACCESS] GetCreditSupportAnnex: Get Credit Support Annex

Get a Credit Support Annex from a single scope. The response will return either the Credit Support Annex that has been stored, or a failure explaining why the request was unsuccessful. It is important to always check for any unsuccessful requests (failures).


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the Credit Support Annex to retrieve.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The name of the Credit Support Annex to retrieve the data for.
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Credit Support Annex . Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.get_credit_support_annex(scope, code, as_at=as_at, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] GetCreditSupportAnnex: Get Credit Support Annex
        api_response = api_instance.get_credit_support_annex(scope, code, as_at=as_at)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->get_credit_support_annex: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the Credit Support Annex to retrieve.
code str The name of the Credit Support Annex to retrieve the data for.
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the Credit Support Annex . Defaults to return the latest version if not specified. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The successfully retrieved credit support annexes or any failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


ResourceListOfGetCounterpartyAgreementResponse list_counterparty_agreements(as_at=as_at)

[EARLY ACCESS] ListCounterpartyAgreements: List the set of Counterparty Agreements

List the set of Counterparty Agreements at the specified AsAt date/time


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to list the Counterparty Agreements. Defaults to latest if not specified. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.list_counterparty_agreements(as_at=as_at, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] ListCounterpartyAgreements: List the set of Counterparty Agreements
        api_response = api_instance.list_counterparty_agreements(as_at=as_at)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->list_counterparty_agreements: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to list the Counterparty Agreements. Defaults to latest if not specified. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested Counterparty Agreements -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


ResourceListOfGetCreditSupportAnnexResponse list_credit_support_annexes(as_at=as_at)

[EARLY ACCESS] ListCreditSupportAnnexes: List the set of Credit Support Annexes

List the set of Credit Support Annexes at the specified AsAt date/time


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to list the Credit Support Annexes. Defaults to latest if not specified. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.list_credit_support_annexes(as_at=as_at, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] ListCreditSupportAnnexes: List the set of Credit Support Annexes
        api_response = api_instance.list_credit_support_annexes(as_at=as_at)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->list_credit_support_annexes: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to list the Credit Support Annexes. Defaults to latest if not specified. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested Credit Support Annexes -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


UpsertSingleStructuredDataResponse upsert_counterparty_agreement(upsert_counterparty_agreement_request)

[EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCounterpartyAgreement: Upsert Counterparty Agreement

Update or insert Counterparty Agreement in a single scope. An item will be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. The response will return the successfully updated or inserted Counterparty Agreement or failure message if unsuccessful It is important to always check to verify success (or failure).


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =

    # Objects can be created either via the class constructor, or using the 'from_dict' or 'from_json' methods
    # Change the lines below to switch approach
    # upsert_counterparty_agreement_request = UpsertCounterpartyAgreementRequest.from_json("")
    # upsert_counterparty_agreement_request = UpsertCounterpartyAgreementRequest.from_dict({})
    upsert_counterparty_agreement_request = UpsertCounterpartyAgreementRequest()

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.upsert_counterparty_agreement(upsert_counterparty_agreement_request, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCounterpartyAgreement: Upsert Counterparty Agreement
        api_response = api_instance.upsert_counterparty_agreement(upsert_counterparty_agreement_request)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->upsert_counterparty_agreement: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
upsert_counterparty_agreement_request UpsertCounterpartyAgreementRequest The Counterparty Agreement to update or insert

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The successfully updated or inserted Counterparty Agreement or any failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


UpsertSingleStructuredDataResponse upsert_credit_support_annex(upsert_credit_support_annex_request)

[EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCreditSupportAnnex: Upsert Credit Support Annex

Update or insert Credit Support Annex in a single scope. An item will be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. The response will return the successfully updated or inserted Credit Support Annex or failure message if unsuccessful It is important to always check to verify success (or failure).


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =

    # Objects can be created either via the class constructor, or using the 'from_dict' or 'from_json' methods
    # Change the lines below to switch approach
    # upsert_credit_support_annex_request = UpsertCreditSupportAnnexRequest.from_json("")
    # upsert_credit_support_annex_request = UpsertCreditSupportAnnexRequest.from_dict({})
    upsert_credit_support_annex_request = UpsertCreditSupportAnnexRequest()

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.upsert_credit_support_annex(upsert_credit_support_annex_request, opts=opts)

        # [EARLY ACCESS] UpsertCreditSupportAnnex: Upsert Credit Support Annex
        api_response = api_instance.upsert_credit_support_annex(upsert_credit_support_annex_request)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling CounterpartiesApi->upsert_credit_support_annex: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
upsert_credit_support_annex_request UpsertCreditSupportAnnexRequest The Credit Support Annex to update or insert

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The successfully updated or inserted item or any failure -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README