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603 lines (448 loc) · 29.3 KB

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603 lines (448 loc) · 29.3 KB


All URIs are relative to

Method HTTP request Description
create_fund_configuration POST /api/fundconfigurations/{scope} [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateFundConfiguration: Create a FundConfiguration.
delete_fund_configuration DELETE /api/fundconfigurations/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteFundConfiguration: Delete a FundConfiguration.
get_fund_configuration GET /api/fundconfigurations/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] GetFundConfiguration: Get FundConfiguration.
list_fund_configurations GET /api/fundconfigurations [EXPERIMENTAL] ListFundConfigurations: List FundConfiguration.
patch_fund_configuration PATCH /api/fundconfigurations/{scope}/{code} [EXPERIMENTAL] PatchFundConfiguration: Patch Fund Configuration.
upsert_fund_configuration_properties POST /api/fundconfigurations/{scope}/{code}/properties/$upsert [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertFundConfigurationProperties: Upsert FundConfiguration properties


FundConfiguration create_fund_configuration(scope, fund_configuration_request)

[EXPERIMENTAL] CreateFundConfiguration: Create a FundConfiguration.

Create the given FundConfiguration.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the FundConfiguration.

    # Objects can be created either via the class constructor, or using the 'from_dict' or 'from_json' methods
    # Change the lines below to switch approach
    # fund_configuration_request = FundConfigurationRequest.from_json("")
    # fund_configuration_request = FundConfigurationRequest.from_dict({})
    fund_configuration_request = FundConfigurationRequest()

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.create_fund_configuration(scope, fund_configuration_request, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] CreateFundConfiguration: Create a FundConfiguration.
        api_response = api_instance.create_fund_configuration(scope, fund_configuration_request)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->create_fund_configuration: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the FundConfiguration.
fund_configuration_request FundConfigurationRequest The definition of the FundConfiguration.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
201 The newly created Fund configuration. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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DeletedEntityResponse delete_fund_configuration(scope, code)

[EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteFundConfiguration: Delete a FundConfiguration.

Delete the given FundConfiguration.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the FundConfiguration to be deleted.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The code of the FundConfiguration to be deleted.               Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.delete_fund_configuration(scope, code, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] DeleteFundConfiguration: Delete a FundConfiguration.
        api_response = api_instance.delete_fund_configuration(scope, code)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->delete_fund_configuration: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the FundConfiguration to be deleted.
code str The code of the FundConfiguration to be deleted. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The datetime that the FundConfiguration was deleted -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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FundConfiguration get_fund_configuration(scope, code, effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, property_keys=property_keys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] GetFundConfiguration: Get FundConfiguration.

Retrieve the definition of a particular FundConfiguration.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the FundConfiguration.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The code of the FundConfiguration. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
    effective_at = 'effective_at_example' # str | The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the FundConfiguration properties. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. (optional)
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the FundConfiguration definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the FundConfiguration definition if not specified. (optional)
    property_keys = ['property_keys_example'] # List[str] | A list of property keys from the 'FundConfiguration' domain to decorate onto the FundConfiguration.              These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'FundConfiguration/Manager/Id'. If no properties are specified, then no properties will be returned. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.get_fund_configuration(scope, code, effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, property_keys=property_keys, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] GetFundConfiguration: Get FundConfiguration.
        api_response = api_instance.get_fund_configuration(scope, code, effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, property_keys=property_keys)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->get_fund_configuration: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the FundConfiguration.
code str The code of the FundConfiguration. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
effective_at str The effective datetime or cut label at which to retrieve the FundConfiguration properties. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. [optional]
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to retrieve the FundConfiguration definition. Defaults to returning the latest version of the FundConfiguration definition if not specified. [optional]
property_keys List[str] A list of property keys from the 'FundConfiguration' domain to decorate onto the FundConfiguration. These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'FundConfiguration/Manager/Id'. If no properties are specified, then no properties will be returned. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested FundConfiguration definition. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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PagedResourceListOfFundConfiguration list_fund_configurations(effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, page=page, limit=limit, filter=filter, sort_by=sort_by, property_keys=property_keys)

[EXPERIMENTAL] ListFundConfigurations: List FundConfiguration.

List all the FundConfiguration matching particular criteria.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    effective_at = 'effective_at_example' # str | The effective datetime or cut label at which to list the TimeVariant properties for the FundConfiguration.              Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. (optional)
    as_at = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | The asAt datetime at which to list the FundConfiguration. Defaults to returning the latest version of each FundConfiguration if not specified. (optional)
    page = 'page_example' # str | The pagination token to use to continue listing FundConfiguration; this              value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt              and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. (optional)
    limit = 56 # int | When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified. (optional)
    filter = 'filter_example' # str | Expression to filter the results.              For example, to filter on the FundConfiguration type, specify \"id.Code eq 'FundConfiguration1'\". For more information about filtering              results, see (optional)
    sort_by = ['sort_by_example'] # List[str] | A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by \" ASC\" or \" DESC\". (optional)
    property_keys = ['property_keys_example'] # List[str] | A list of property keys from the 'FundConfiguration' domain to decorate onto each FundConfiguration.              These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'FundConfiguration/Manager/Id'. (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.list_fund_configurations(effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, page=page, limit=limit, filter=filter, sort_by=sort_by, property_keys=property_keys, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] ListFundConfigurations: List FundConfiguration.
        api_response = api_instance.list_fund_configurations(effective_at=effective_at, as_at=as_at, page=page, limit=limit, filter=filter, sort_by=sort_by, property_keys=property_keys)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->list_fund_configurations: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
effective_at str The effective datetime or cut label at which to list the TimeVariant properties for the FundConfiguration. Defaults to the current LUSID system datetime if not specified. [optional]
as_at datetime The asAt datetime at which to list the FundConfiguration. Defaults to returning the latest version of each FundConfiguration if not specified. [optional]
page str The pagination token to use to continue listing FundConfiguration; this value is returned from the previous call. If a pagination token is provided, the filter, effectiveAt and asAt fields must not have changed since the original request. [optional]
limit int When paginating, limit the results to this number. Defaults to 100 if not specified. [optional]
filter str Expression to filter the results. For example, to filter on the FundConfiguration type, specify &quot;id.Code eq 'FundConfiguration1'&quot;. For more information about filtering results, see [optional]
sort_by List[str] A list of field names or properties to sort by, each suffixed by &quot; ASC&quot; or &quot; DESC&quot;. [optional]
property_keys List[str] A list of property keys from the 'FundConfiguration' domain to decorate onto each FundConfiguration. These must take the format {domain}/{scope}/{code}, for example 'FundConfiguration/Manager/Id'. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: Not defined
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The requested Fund configurations. -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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FundConfiguration patch_fund_configuration(scope, code, operation)

[EXPERIMENTAL] PatchFundConfiguration: Patch Fund Configuration.

Create or update certain fields for a particular FundConfiguration. The behaviour is defined by the JSON Patch specification. Currently supported fields are: displayName, description, dealingFilters, pnlFilters, backOutFilters.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the FundConfiguration.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The code of the FundConfiguration. Together with the               scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
    operation = [{"value":[{"filterId":"SUB","filter":"GeneralLedgerAccountCode eq '3001'"},{"filterId":"RED","filter":"GeneralLedgerAccountCode eq '3002'"}],"path":"/dealingFilters","op":"add"}] # List[Operation] | The json patch document. For more information see:

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.patch_fund_configuration(scope, code, operation, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] PatchFundConfiguration: Patch Fund Configuration.
        api_response = api_instance.patch_fund_configuration(scope, code, operation)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->patch_fund_configuration: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the FundConfiguration.
code str The code of the FundConfiguration. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
operation List[Operation] The json patch document. For more information see:

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The newly patched FundConfiguration -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

Back to topBack to API listBack to Model listBack to README


FundConfigurationProperties upsert_fund_configuration_properties(scope, code, request_body=request_body)

[EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertFundConfigurationProperties: Upsert FundConfiguration properties

Update or insert one or more properties onto a single FundConfiguration. A property will be updated if it already exists and inserted if it does not. All properties must be of the domain 'FundConfiguration'. Upserting a property that exists for an FundConfiguration, with a null value, will delete the instance of the property for that group. Properties have an effectiveFrom datetime for which the property is valid, and an effectiveUntil datetime until which the property is valid. Not supplying an effectiveUntil datetime results in the property being valid indefinitely, or until the next effectiveFrom datetime of the property.


from lusid.exceptions import ApiException
from lusid.extensions.configuration_options import ConfigurationOptions
from lusid.models import *
from pprint import pprint
from lusid import (

def main():

    with open("secrets.json", "w") as file:

    # Use the lusid SyncApiClientFactory to build Api instances with a configured api client
    # By default this will read config from environment variables
    # Then from a secrets.json file found in the current working directory

    # uncomment the below to use configuration overrides
    # opts = ConfigurationOptions();
    # opts.total_timeout_ms = 30_000

    # uncomment the below to use an api client factory with overrides
    # api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory(opts=opts)

    api_client_factory = SyncApiClientFactory()

    # Enter a context with an instance of the SyncApiClientFactory to ensure the connection pool is closed after use
    # Create an instance of the API class
    api_instance =
    scope = 'scope_example' # str | The scope of the FundConfiguration to update or insert the properties onto.
    code = 'code_example' # str | The code of the FundConfiguration to update or insert the properties onto. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
    request_body = {"FundConfiguration/MyScope/FundManagerName":{"key":"FundConfiguration/MyScope/FundManagerName","value":{"labelValue":"Smith"},"effectiveFrom":"2018-03-05T00:00:00.0000000+00:00"},"FundConfiguration/MyScope/SomeProperty":{"key":"FundConfiguration/MyScope/SomeProperty","value":{"labelValue":"SomeValue"},"effectiveFrom":"2016-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00"},"FundConfiguration/MyScope/AnotherProperty":{"key":"FundConfiguration/MyScope/AnotherProperty","value":{"labelValue":"AnotherValue"},"effectiveFrom":"2018-03-05T00:00:00.0000000+00:00","effectiveUntil":"2020-01-01T00:00:00.0000000+00:00"},"FundConfiguration/MyScope/ReBalanceInterval":{"key":"FundConfiguration/MyScope/ReBalanceInterval","value":{"metricValue":{"value":30,"unit":"Days"}}}} # Dict[str, ModelProperty] | The properties to be updated or inserted onto the Fund Configuration. Each property in               the request must be keyed by its unique property key. This has the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. \"FundConfiguration/Manager/Id\". (optional)

        # uncomment the below to set overrides at the request level
        # api_response =  api_instance.upsert_fund_configuration_properties(scope, code, request_body=request_body, opts=opts)

        # [EXPERIMENTAL] UpsertFundConfigurationProperties: Upsert FundConfiguration properties
        api_response = api_instance.upsert_fund_configuration_properties(scope, code, request_body=request_body)

    except ApiException as e:
        print("Exception when calling FundConfigurationApi->upsert_fund_configuration_properties: %s\n" % e)



Name Type Description Notes
scope str The scope of the FundConfiguration to update or insert the properties onto.
code str The code of the FundConfiguration to update or insert the properties onto. Together with the scope this uniquely identifies the FundConfiguration.
request_body Dict[str, ModelProperty] The properties to be updated or inserted onto the Fund Configuration. Each property in the request must be keyed by its unique property key. This has the format {domain}/{scope}/{code} e.g. &quot;FundConfiguration/Manager/Id&quot;. [optional]

Return type


HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json-patch+json, application/json, text/json, application/*+json
  • Accept: text/plain, application/json, text/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 The updated or inserted properties -
400 The details of the input related failure -
0 Error response -

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