is a package for managing user authentication and authorization in NestJS applications.
It helps you secure your application by verifying user identity and controlling access based on user roles.
To install the package, use the following command:
npm install fintegrate-auth
Use the @UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt'))
decorator in your controller to protect routes.
This ensures that only authenticated users with a valid token can access the route,
effectively blocking access for unauthorized users.
use the @Roles
decorator, write the allow roles, according to the Role enum.
add RolesGuard
in the UseGuards decorator.
make sure to import the above:
import { Role, Roles, RolesGuard } from "fintegrate-auth"
Additionally, ensure that the HttpModule is imported in the module containing your controller:
import { HttpModule } from '@nestjs/axios'
add the the HttpModule to imports array in the module.
@UseGuards(AuthGuard('jwt'), RolesGuard)
This ensures that only users with the appropriate roles can access certain routes.
Role-based access control using the @Roles decorator is applicable only for routes that include a businessId parameter.
This means that role-based permissions are only enforced if the user is logged into a specific business.
- Token Verification: Validates the JWT token provided in the request.
- User Data Injection: Injects user data into the request object for use in controllers.
- Role-based Access Control: Ensures that only users with the specified roles can access certain routes.