- SERVER: Apache 2 or NGINX.
- RAM: 3 GB or higher.
- PHP: 7.3 or higher.
- For MySQL users: 5.7.23 or higher.
- For MariaDB users: 10.2.7 or Higher.
- Node: 8.11.3 LTS or higher.
- Composer: 1.6.5 or higher.
composer create-project krayin/laravel-crm
Find .env file in root directory and change the APP_URL param to your domain.
Also, Configure the Mail and Database parameters inside .env file.
php artisan krayin-crm:install
To execute Krayin:
Warning: Before going into production mode we recommend you uninstall developer dependencies. In order to do that, run the command below:
composer install --no-dev
Open the specified entry point in your hosts file in your browser or make an entry in hosts file if not done.
php artisan route:clear
php artisan serve
How to log in as admin:
email:[email protected]