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Deploy Dec 12, 2024 (#5262)
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[Sean Kim] Add Class of Service for a request in the profiler network
tab (#5228)
[Nisarg Jhaveri] Allow loading gzipped profiles from more endpoints
[Nicolas Chevobbe] Adapt Tree row toggle button to High Contrast Mode.
[Jon Coppeard] Display malloc heap size data in GCMajor markers (#5239)
[Nicolas Chevobbe] Opt-out of forced-colors for colored-square and
colored-border (#5237)
[Yuval Mizrachi] Support colored bandwidth and memory tracks (#5232)
[Nicolas Chevobbe] Adapt context menu to High Contrast Mode (#5244)
[Nazım Can Altınova] Show Chrome extension instructions in the homepage
if visited from Chromium browsers (#5251)

And thanks to our localizers:
de: Michael Köhler
en-GB: Ian Neal
fr: Théo Chevalier
fr: felash
fy-NL: Fjoerfoks
it: Francesco Lodolo [:flod]
nl: Mark Heijl
pt-BR: Marcelo Ghelman
ru: Valery Ledovskoy
uk: Francesco Lodolo [:flod]
uk: Markevych Dmytro Vitaliyovych
zh-CN: Olvcpr423
  • Loading branch information
canova authored Dec 12, 2024
2 parents 115de38 + 5afcef4 commit 4b6079e
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Showing 33 changed files with 722 additions and 139 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions locales/de/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -319,6 +319,15 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
<perf>Linux perf</perf>, <simpleperf>Android SimplePerf</simpleperf>, die
Chrome Performance Panel, <androidstudio>Android Studio</androidstudio> oder
eine Datei im <dhat>dhat-Format</dhat> oder <traceevent>Googles Trace-Event-Format</traceevent>. <write>Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihren eigenen Importeur schreiben</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Installieren Sie die Chrome-Erweiterung
Home--chrome-extension-instructions =
Verwenden Sie die <a>{ -profiler-brand-name }-Erweiterung für Chrome</a>,
um Leistungsprofile in Chrome zu erfassen und im { -profiler-brand-name }
zu analysieren. Installieren Sie die Erweiterung aus dem Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions =
Verwenden Sie nach der Installation das Symbolleisten-Symbol der Erweiterung
oder die Tastenkombinationen zum Starten und Stoppen der Profilerstellung. Sie können auch
Profile exportieren und hier zur detaillierten Analyse laden.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions locales/en-GB/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,15 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
any file using the <dhat>dhat format</dhat> or <traceevent>Google’s Trace Event
Format</traceevent>. <write>Learn how to write your
own importer</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Install the Chrome extension
Home--chrome-extension-instructions =
Use the <a>{ -profiler-brand-name } extension for Chrome</a>
to capture performance profiles in Chrome and analyse them in the
{ -profiler-brand-name }. Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions =
Once installed, use the extension’s
toolbar icon or the shortcuts to start and stop profiling. You can also
export profiles and load them here for detailed analysis.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions locales/en-US/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -365,6 +365,14 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
Format</traceevent>. <write>Learn how to write your
own importer</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Install the Chrome extension
Home--chrome-extension-instructions = Use the <a>{ -profiler-brand-name } extension for Chrome</a>
to capture performance profiles in Chrome and analyze them in the
{ -profiler-brand-name }. Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions = Once installed, use the extension’s
toolbar icon or the shortcuts to start and stop profiling. You can also
export profiles and load them here for detailed analysis.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.

Expand Down
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions locales/fr/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ AppHeader--github-icon =
## AppViewRouter
## This is used for displaying errors when loading the application.

AppViewRouter--error-from-post-message = Impossible d’importer le profil.
AppViewRouter--error-unpublished = Impossible de récupérer le profil depuis { -firefox-brand-name }.
AppViewRouter--error-from-file = Impossible de lire le fichier ou d’analyser le profil qu’il contient.
AppViewRouter--error-local = Pas encore implémenté.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -142,6 +143,30 @@ CallTreeSidebar--call-node-details = Détails du nœud d’appel
## in the functions it called. "Running time" is the time spent in the function
## itself, including the time spent in the functions it called.

CallTreeSidebar--traced-running-time =
.label = Temps d’exécution tracé
CallTreeSidebar--traced-self-time =
.label = Temps individuel tracé
CallTreeSidebar--running-time =
.label = Temps d’exécution
CallTreeSidebar--self-time =
.label = Temps individuel
CallTreeSidebar--running-samples =
.label = Échantillons totaux
CallTreeSidebar--self-samples =
.label = Échantillons individuels
CallTreeSidebar--running-size =
.label = Taille totale
CallTreeSidebar--self-size =
.label = Taille individuelle
CallTreeSidebar--categories = Catégories
CallTreeSidebar--implementation = Implémentation
CallTreeSidebar--running-milliseconds = Millisecondes totales
CallTreeSidebar--running-sample-count = Nombre d’échantillons total
CallTreeSidebar--running-bytes = Octets totaux
CallTreeSidebar--self-milliseconds = Millisecondes individuelles
CallTreeSidebar--self-sample-count = Nombre d’échantillons individuels
CallTreeSidebar--self-bytes = Octets individuels
## CompareHome
## This is used in the page to compare two profiles.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,6 +602,7 @@ ProfileFilterNavigator--full-range-with-duration = Plage entière ({ $fullRangeD
## Profile Loader Animation

ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-from-post-message = Importation et traitement du profil…
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-unpublished = Importation du profil directement depuis { -firefox-brand-name }
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-from-file = Lecture du fichier et traitement du profil…
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-local = Pas encore implémenté.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -655,6 +681,7 @@ TabBar--js-tracer-tab = Traceur JS
## range at the top left corner for profiler analysis view. It's used to switch
## between tabs that were captured in the profile.

TabSelectorMenu--all-tabs-and-windows = Tous les onglets et fenêtres
## TrackContextMenu
## This is used as a context menu for timeline to organize the tracks in the
Expand All @@ -672,6 +699,10 @@ TrackContextMenu--hide-other-screenshots-tracks = Masquer les autres pistes de c
TrackContextMenu--hide-track = Masquer « { $trackName } »
TrackContextMenu--show-all-tracks = Afficher toutes les pistes
TrackContextMenu--show-local-tracks-in-process = Afficher toutes les pistes de ce processus
# This is used as the context menu item to hide all tracks of the selected track's type.
# Variables:
# $type (String) - Name of the type of selected track to hide.
TrackContextMenu--hide-all-tracks-by-selected-track-type = Masquer les pistes de type « { $type } »
# This is used in the tracks context menu as a button to show all the tracks
# that match the search filter.
TrackContextMenu--show-all-matching-tracks = Afficher toutes les pistes correspondantes
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -724,6 +755,21 @@ TrackPower--tooltip-power-watt = { $value } W
# $value (String) - the power value at this location
TrackPower--tooltip-power-milliwatt = { $value } mW
.label = Puissance
# This is used in the tooltip when the power value uses the kilowatt unit.
# Variables:
# $value (String) - the power value at this location
TrackPower--tooltip-average-power-kilowatt = { $value } kW
.label = Puissance moyenne pour la sélection actuelle
# This is used in the tooltip when the power value uses the watt unit.
# Variables:
# $value (String) - the power value at this location
TrackPower--tooltip-average-power-watt = { $value } W
.label = Puissance moyenne pour la sélection actuelle
# This is used in the tooltip when the instant power value uses the milliwatt unit.
# Variables:
# $value (String) - the power value at this location
TrackPower--tooltip-average-power-milliwatt = { $value } mW
.label = Puissance moyenne pour la sélection actuelle
# This is used in the tooltip when the energy used in the current range uses the
# kilowatt-hour unit.
# Variables:
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions locales/fy-NL/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,15 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
elk bestân mei it <dhat>dhat-formaat</dhat> of de <traceevent>Trace Event-yndieling
fan Google</traceevent> brûkt. <write>Lês hoe’t jo jo
eigen ymportearder skriuwe</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = De Chrome-útwreiding ynstallearje
Home--chrome-extension-instructions =
Brûk de <a>{ -profiler-brand-name }-útwreiding foar Chrome</a>
om prestaasjeprofilen yn Chrome fêst te lizzen en se yn de
{ -profiler-brand-name } te analysearjen. Ynstallearje de útwreiding fan de Chrome Web Store út.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions =
Brûk nei ynstallaasje it arkbalkepiktogram fan de
útwreiding of de fluchkeppelingen om it profilearjen te starten en te stopjen. Jo kinne ek
profilen eksportearje en dizze hjir lade foar detaillearre analyze.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions locales/it/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -261,6 +261,9 @@ Home--your-recent-uploaded-recordings-title = Le tue registrazioni caricate di r
Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
{ -profiler-brand-name } può anche importare profili da altri profiler, come <perf>Linux perf</perf>, <simpleperf>Android SimplePerf</simpleperf>, il
pannello prestazioni di Chrome, <androidstudio>Android Studio</androidstudio> o qualsiasi file che utilizzi il <dhat>formato dhat</dhat> o <traceevent>Trace Event di Google</traceevent>. <write>Scopri come creare uno strumento di importazione</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Installa l’estensione per Chrome
Home--chrome-extension-instructions = Utilizza l’estensione <a>{ -profiler-brand-name } per Chrome</a> per acquisire i profili delle prestazioni in Chrome e analizzarli in { -profiler-brand-name }. Installa l’estensione dal Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions = Una volta installata, utilizza l’icona dell’estensione nella barra degli strumenti o le scorciatoie per avviare e interrompere la profilazione. Puoi anche esportare i profili e caricarli qui per un’analisi dettagliata.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions locales/nl/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,15 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
elk bestand dat de <dhat>dhat-indeling</dhat> of de <traceevent>Trace Event-indeling
van Google</traceevent> gebruikt. <write>Ontdek hoe u uw eigen
importroutine schrijft</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = De Chrome-extensie installeren
Home--chrome-extension-instructions =
Gebruik de <a>{ -profiler-brand-name }-extensie voor Chrome</a>
om prestatieprofielen in Chrome vast te leggen en ze in de
{ -profiler-brand-name } te analyseren. Installeer de extensie vanuit de Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions =
Gebruik na installatie het werkbalkpictogram van de
extensie of de snelkoppelingen om het profileren te starten en te stoppen. U kunt ook
profielen exporteren en deze hier laden voor gedetailleerde analyse.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions locales/pt-BR/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -272,6 +272,9 @@ Home--your-recent-uploaded-recordings-title = Suas gravações enviadas recentem
# We replace the elements such as <perf> and <simpleperf> with links to the
# documentation to use these tools.
Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 = O { -profiler-brand-name } também pode importar profiles de outros criadores de profile, como o <perf>Linux perf</perf>, o <simpleperf>Android SimplePerf</simpleperf>, o painel de desempenho do Chrome, o <androidstudio>Android Studio</androidstudio>, ou qualquer arquivo nos formatos <dhat>dhat</dhat> ou <traceevent>Trace Event do Google</traceevent>. <write>Saiba como criar seu próprio importador</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Instale a extensão para Chrome
Home--chrome-extension-instructions = Use a <a>extensão { -profiler-brand-name } para Chrome</a> para capturar profiles de desempenho no Chrome e analisar no { -profiler-brand-name }. Instale a extensão a partir do Chrome Web Store.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions = Após instalar, use o ícone da extensão na barra de ferramentas ou os atalhos para iniciar e encerrar a gravação de profiles. Você também pode exportar profiles e carregar aqui para análises detalhadas.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions locales/ru/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -340,6 +340,15 @@ Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 =
панель производительности Chrome, <androidstudio>Android Studio</androidstudio> или
любой файл, использующий <dhat>формат dhat</dhat> или <traceevent>Формат отслеживания событий Google</traceevent>. <write>Узнайте, как написать
собственный инструмент импорта</write>.
Home--install-chrome-extension = Установите расширение Chrome
Home--chrome-extension-instructions =
Используйте <a>расширение { -profiler-brand-name } для Chrome</a>
для сбора профилей производительности в Chrome и анализа их в
{ -profiler-brand-name }. Установите расширение из интернет-магазина Chrome.
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions =
После установки используйте значок
расширения на панели инструментов или сочетания клавиш для запуска и остановки профилирования. Вы также можете
экспортировать профили и загрузить их здесь для подробного анализа.
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions locales/uk/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ AppHeader--github-icon =
## AppViewRouter
## This is used for displaying errors when loading the application.

AppViewRouter--error-from-post-message = Не вдалося імпортувати профіль.
AppViewRouter--error-unpublished = Не вдалося відновити профіль із { -firefox-brand-name }.
AppViewRouter--error-from-file = Не вдалося прочитати файл або проаналізувати профіль у ньому.
AppViewRouter--error-local = Ще не впроваджено.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -676,6 +677,7 @@ ProfileFilterNavigator--full-range-with-duration = Повний діапазон
## Profile Loader Animation

ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-from-post-message = Імпорт та обробка профілю…
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-unpublished = Імпортування профілю безпосередньо з { -firefox-brand-name }
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-from-file = Читання файлу та обробка профілю…
ProfileLoaderAnimation--loading-local = Ще не впроваджено.
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions locales/zh-CN/app.ftl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -262,6 +262,9 @@ Home--your-recent-uploaded-recordings-title = 您最近上传的记录
# We replace the elements such as <perf> and <simpleperf> with links to the
# documentation to use these tools.
Home--load-files-from-other-tools2 = { -profiler-brand-name } 也可以从其他分析器导入记录,例如 <perf>Linux perf</perf>、<simpleperf>Android SimplePerf</simpleperf>、Chrome 性能面板、<androidstudio>Android Studio</androidstudio>,支持直接导入 <dhat>dhat</dhat>、<traceevent>Google 的 Trace Event</traceevent> 格式保存的分析记录。<write>点此了解如何编写您自己的导入程序</write>。
Home--install-chrome-extension = 安装 Chrome 扩展
Home--chrome-extension-instructions = 使用 <a>Chrome 版 { -profiler-brand-name } 扩展</a>,在 Chrome 中捕获性能分析记录,并通过 { -profiler-brand-name } 分析。可到 Chrome 应用商店安装扩展。
Home--chrome-extension-recording-instructions = 安装后,即可使用扩展的工具栏图标和快捷键来开始或停止分析,也可以导出分析记录并在此处加载以进行详细分析。
## IdleSearchField
## The component that is used for all the search inputs in the application.
Expand Down

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