Some tools and such around the augmentr project that really don't belong in the core thing
npm install
HOST= node csv-client.js <sourcefile> <destinationfile>
Note that the output file is not currently being used. It simply dumps output to screen
Sample input file:
"[email protected]", "+19193499473", "Scott Barstow"
"[email protected]", "+19196725329", "Mike Schneider"
email,phone,firstName, lastName
"[email protected]", "+19193499473", "Scott", "Barstow"
"[email protected]", "+19196725329", "Mike", "Schneider"
all fields are required.
The csv out of Boomtown had some wierdness (multiple emails and multiple phone numbers). This util parses that file, takes the first email and phone if multiple, and spits out a csv that can be the input file for csv-client.
node convertBoomtownCsv.js <originalfile> <destinationfile>