基于以太坊solc的版本:0.4.11 (在使用前请确认合约的版本,是否支持被solc 0.4.11编译)
- EthCall
- 为了适配国密版FISCO-BCOS增加国密版fisco-solc编译器,并通过开关ENCRYPTTYPE控制fisco-solc版本
fisco-solc对solc的拓展,主要为了兼容FISCO-BCOS中的EthCall功能,使其能编译基于EthCall实现的合约。EthCall可实现solidity语言对C++调用,拓展了合约的功能,提高了合约执行性能。具体Ethcall的介绍,请参考Ethcall说明文档 和 EthCall设计文档 。
// libevmasm/Instruction.h
XOR, ///< bitwise XOR operation
NOT, ///< bitwise NOT opertation
BYTE, ///< retrieve single byte from word
SHA3 = 0x20, ///< compute SHA3-256 hash
ETHCALL = 0x2f, ///< call eth kernel function api <------------------- New opcode
ADDRESS = 0x30, ///< get address of currently executing account
BALANCE, ///< get balance of the given account
ORIGIN, ///< get execution origination address
国密版FISCO-BCOS 更新SHA3算法为符合国密标准的SM3算法,国密版fisco-solc主要用于兼容国密版FISCO-BCOS,可编译出与国密版FISCO-BCOS相匹配的abi和bin文件,当向国密版FISCO-BCOS链上发送交易时,交易对应的合约代码必须由国密版fisco-solc编译。
国密版fisco-solc: 当开关ENCRYPTTYPE为ON时,编译出的fisco-solc为国密版fisco-solc;
普通版fisco-solc: 当开关ENCRYPTTYPE为OFF时,编译出的fisco-solc为普通版fisco-solc.
CentOs: fisco-solc-centos
CentOs: fisco-solc-gm-centos
Ubuntu: fisco-solc-gm-ubuntu
#===== 重命名普通版fisco-solc ====
mv fisco-solc-xxxx fisco-solc
#===== 重命名国密版fisco-solc ====
mv fisco-solc-guomi-xxx fisco-solc-guomi
# ===== 安装普通版fisco-solc ====
chmod +x fisco-solc
sudo cp fisco-solc /usr/bin
# ==== 安装国密版fisco-solc ====
chmod +x fisco-solc-guomi
sudo cp fisco-solc-guomi /usr/bin
# ==== 检查普通版fisco-solc ====
fisco-solc --help
# ==== 检查国密版fisco-solc ====
fisco-solc-guomi --help
安装成功,输出help信息,fisco-solc的使用方法与solc的相同。具体使用方法可参考:solidity官方文档 。
# fisco-bcos --help
fisco-solc, the Solidity commandline compiler of fisco-bcos.
Usage: fisco-solc [options] [input_file...]
Compiles the given Solidity input files (or the standard input if none given or
"-" is used as a file name) and outputs the components specified in the options
at standard output or in files in the output directory, if specified.
Imports are automatically read from the filesystem, but it is also possible to
remap paths using the context:prefix=path syntax.
fisco-solc --bin -o /tmp/solcoutput dapp-bin=/usr/local/lib/dapp-bin contract.sol
Allowed options:
--help Show help message and exit.
--version Show version and exit.
--optimize Enable bytecode optimizer.
--optimize-runs n (=200)
Estimated number of contract runs for optimizer tuning.
--add-std Add standard contracts.
--libraries libs Direct string or file containing library addresses.
Syntax: <libraryName>: <address> [, or whitespace] ...
Address is interpreted as a hex string optionally
prefixed by 0x.
-o [ --output-dir ] path
If given, creates one file per component and
contract/file at the specified directory.
--overwrite Overwrite existing files (used together with -o).
--combined-json abi,asm,ast,bin,bin-runtime,clone-bin,devdoc,interface,metadata,opcodes,srcmap,srcmap-runtime,userdoc
Output a single json document containing the specified
--gas Print an estimate of the maximal gas usage for each
--standard-json Switch to Standard JSON input / output mode, ignoring
all options. It reads from standard input and provides
the result on the standard output.
--assemble Switch to assembly mode, ignoring all options and
assumes input is assembly.
--link Switch to linker mode, ignoring all options apart from
--libraries and modify binaries in place.
--metadata-literal Store referenced sources are literal data in the
metadata output.
--allow-paths path(s)
Allow a given path for imports. A list of paths can be
supplied by separating them with a comma.
Output Components:
--ast AST of all source files.
--ast-json AST of all source files in JSON format.
--asm EVM assembly of the contracts.
--asm-json EVM assembly of the contracts in JSON format.
--opcodes Opcodes of the contracts.
--bin Binary of the contracts in hex.
--bin-runtime Binary of the runtime part of the contracts in hex.
--clone-bin Binary of the clone contracts in hex.
--abi ABI specification of the contracts.
--hashes Function signature hashes of the contracts.
--userdoc Natspec user documentation of all contracts.
--devdoc Natspec developer documentation of all contracts.
--metadata Combined Metadata JSON whose Swarm hash is stored
--formal Translated source suitable for formal analysis.
###==== fisco-solc-guomi --help输出的信息与fisco-solc --help输出的信息相同 ====
$ cd fisco-solc
$ cd script
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ cd ../ #到fisco-solc的根目录
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake3 .. #注意后面有两个点“..”,Centos用cmake3,Ubuntu用cmake
#或者: cmake3 -DENCRYPTTYPE=OFF ..
$ make
#====编译成功后,会在build/solc下生成 fisco-solc,查看版本====
$ cd solc/
$ ./fisco-solc --version #得到版本信息,编译成功
fisco-solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface of fisco-bcos
Based on solc version: 0.4.11+commit.68ef5810.Linux.g++
#==== 切换到源码目录====
$ cd fisco-solc
#==== 安装依赖环境 ====
$ cd script
$ chmod +x
$ ./
$ cd ../ #到fisco-solc的根目录
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
#==== 预编译、编译 ====
$ cmake3 -DENCRYPTTYPE=ON .. #DENCRYPTTYPE为ON表示fisco-solc开启国密特性,注意后面有两个点“..”,Centos用cmake3,Ubuntu用cmake
$ make #可根据物理机配置调整编译线程数,例:make -j2表示用两个线程并发编译fisco-solc
#==== 编译成功后,会在build/solc下生成 fisco-solc,查看版本====
$ cd solc/
$ ./fisco-solc --version #得到版本信息,编译成功
fisco-solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface of fisco-bcos
Based on solc version: 0.4.11+commit.68ef5810.Linux.g++
(2)安装Visual Studio 2015
- 编译产生普通版fisco-solc
cmake -DENCRYPTTYPE=OFF -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
- 编译产生国密版fisco-solc(编译时,加上-DENCRYPTTYPE=ON选项)
cmake -DENCRYPTTYPE=ON -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
cmake --build . --config RelWithDebInfo
fisco-bcos.exe --version
fisco-solc, the solidity compiler commandline interface of fisco-bcos
Based on solc version: 0.4.11+commit.68ef5810.Windows.msvc