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Path Tracer


This project is an implementation of Monte Carlo path tracing in Rust.



How to use ?

The renderer takes a custom Internal Scene Format (isf) as input.

But don't worry we're able to convert glTF scenes into isf.

Minimal command line:

path-tracer convert --help # Prompt all available options for scene conversion
path-tracer render --help # Prompt all available options for rendering
path-tracer convert my_scene.glb my_scene_isf/ # Convert a gltf scene into an isf
path-tracer render scene.isf -o my-render.png -p profile.yml # Render a scene with a custom profile


Profile files are used to configure the renderer behaviour.

Option Description Default
resolution.width Width of the output image 1920
resolution.height Height of the output image 1080
samples Number of sample ray throw by pixel 64
bounces Maximum number of bounces per sample 4
brdf Which brdf tu use (COOK_TORRANCE) COOK_TORRANCE
tonemap Which color tone map tu use (REINHARD, FILMIC, ACES) FILMIC

Here is a profile example.

resolution: # Resolution of the output image
  width: 1920
  height: 1080
samples: 64 # Number of sample ray throw by pixel
bounces: 4 # Maximum number of bounces per sample
brdf: COOK_TORRANCE # Which brdf to use
tonemap: FILMIC # Which color tone map to use


  • Parallel computation
  • KD Tree
  • Unidirectional Monte Carlo path tracing
  • Microfacet BRDF
  • Importance sampling
  • Various Tone mapping
  • Viewer
  • Alpha Transparency
  • Snell Refraction
  • ...