This page contains demonstrations of some Flutter Widgets and Dart code (for beginners). As far as possible, adequate comments are left in the code for the code's working. The gists (some code may be too long to be called a gist) in this repository are provided as is. Feel free to learn, use, modify the code and have fun with it as per your use case.
- Boilerplate for new demo apps
- Bottom App Bar and Floating Action Button Widgets
- BottomSheet and ModalBottomSheet Widget
- Box Widgets
- Button Widgets, Ternary Operator
- ButtonBar Widget
- Card and Stack Widgets, Model From Model
- Checkbox Widget
- CheckboxListTile Widget
- Chip, Snackbar, Models, List(map and toList())
- CircleAvatar Widget, Widget functions, Custom Widgets, Image class and the Spread operator
- Colors, Listview and ListTile Widget
- Container, Opacity, Material and Wrap Widgets
- Custom Icons, GestureDetector Widget
- DataTable Widget
- Device Info using MediaQuery
- Dialog Widgets
- Dismissible Widget
- Drawer Widget, Custom Widget and ExitApp Function
- ExpansionPanel and ExpansionPanelList Widgets
- FABExtended and Multiple FABs
- Gridview Count Widget
- GridView Widget
- GridViewBuilder Widget
- IndexedStack Widget
- Light to Dark Theme Switching
- ListviewSeparated, DataModels and Modularized Code
- Modularizing the App Interface
- NavigationRail Widget
- PageView and PageViewBuilder Widget
- Portrait and Landscape Modes
- Radio Widget
- RadioListTile Widget
- Responsive UI Template
- RichText and TextSpan Widgets
- Row, Column, Center, Expanded Widgets
- SafeArea, AppBar Icons and Builder Widgets
- SingleChildScrollView Widget
- Slider and RangeSlider Widget
- Stateless and Stateful Widgets
- Stepper Widget
- Switch Widget
- TabBar and TabBarView Widgets
- Table and TableRow Widget
- TextField Widget
- Tooltip Widget
- Transform Widget
- WillPopScope Widget and AppServices Mixin
- assets/cars/
- assets/fonts/Dogs.ttf
- family: Dogs
- asset: assets/fonts/Dogs.ttf
The following are the assets used for this repository. "item4.jpg" can be copied to any location of the device and its full path can be used for the gist on the Image class.
Dog Font