- Check, scrap and monitor SSL certificates
- It can be used against host, local file (PEM/DER/SAML IdP Metadata XML), resource URL or thru a list of servers, local files and URLs
- Generate several output types (CSV, HTML, JSON, AWS CloudWatch, CA Wily Introscope, Broadcom DXAPM, StatsD (DataDog/Influx), Prometheus and ElasicSearch APM... so far.)
- Send results by email
- Inject results to instrumentation endpoint
- Ship with Docker
- Schedule for crontab
- Bark!
- Usage
- Formatting options
- Misc options
- Stamin for unreachable endpoints
- Custom Configs
- Exit codes
- Requires
- Run with Docker
- Tested on
- Todo
- Bugs
- Change log
- References
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -h
ssl-pooch (woof-woof) v1.0
./ssl-pooch.sh [manual|-v] [-n|-x|-m|-i]
[-e(issuer,cn,serial)] [-S] [-E|(c|C)] [-d] [-P]
[-o/-or(column_number)|(columnA_number,columnB_number)] [-F/-F-(pattern)] [-O save_to_file]
./ssl-pooch.sh manual
You can either change values on top of the script or use a conf/config.ssl-pooch.env. If config file is found, valid and executable, it will be sourced and any varible set there will have prevalence over the ones on the script replacing theirs equivalents.
Check out all available configs at Custom Configs section.
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s HOST -p PORT
-s : Hostname/IP address to query certificate of
-p : SSL/Secure Port number. If not specified, '443' is assumed.
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -p 443
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 58
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -f LOCAL_CERTIFICATE_FILE
-f : Local certificate file path
- PEM and DER certificates, and SAML IdP Metadata XML Certificates (this last one is probably only useful to me) are supported.
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -f ~/Certs/Entrust_G2_CA.cer
Host | Status | Expires | Days
FILE:Entrust_G2_CA.cer | Valid | Dec 7 2030 | 3472
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -f sp-gst-stage-metadata.xml
Host | Status | Expires | Days
FILE:sp-fed-proxy-metadata.xml | Valid | Jun 12 2031 | 3648
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -u RESOURCE_URL
-u : Resource URL to download the cert from
- PEM and DER certificates, and SAML IdP Metadata XML Certificates (this last one is probably only useful to me) are supported.
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -u http://mysite.com/download/certfile.cer
Host | Status | Expires | Days
URL:mysite.com/download/certfile.cer | Valid | Jun 20 2031 | 3650
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -l FQDN_LIST_FILE [-o(n)|-F(-)]
- NOTE: Execution may look hang when running with a bigger list file, it's not. This is just like bankruptcy law... Don't worry about it. I got this! In case you've have trust issues you can use a progress bar to see where things are going.
-l : List file containing certs to go thru, fields must be split by spaces as:
google.com 443
github.com 443
- You can include local files on list using FILE keyword, as:
/home/user/certs/cert1.der FILE
/home/user/certs/cert2.pem FILE
Considering below list file, for example:
google.com 443
/home/user/certs/Entrust_G2_CA.cer FILE
Results will be:
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -l list
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 58
FILE:Entrust_G2_CA.cer | Valid | Dec 7 2030 | 3472
- As well, you can do exactly the same with URL keyword to include it on a list.
If you running thru a list and generating a html output (exclusively), you can use a separator to well... separate things. Like:
_separator;Google Sites
google.com 443
gmail.com 443
_separator;Local Files
/home/user/certs/Entrust_G2_CA.cer FILE
- _separator must be written as - _separator;HEADER_NAME, example:
- ignored if output type is not html
- ignored if ordering OR filtering results
- ignored if header is omitted
When running against a list, you can opt for an alternative label to be shown instead of default output (host:port, file:FILE, url:URL), just put the label you want before HOST/FILE/URL and split them with a ';' (semicolon), like:"
GOOGLE;google.com 443
Results will be shown as:
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -l list
Host | Status | Expires | Days
GOOGLE | Valid | Sep 14 2021 | 67
- Note that all info about the endpoint (host/file/url/port) is ommited when alternative label is used.
- Alterntive label can NOT have spaces on it.
You can also use static fields on the list file - your own identifiers for example, whatever you need. This is specially useful when you require some 'shape' on a bigger list.
Static fields are limited to the max of three(3) fields - output starts to get ugly.
In order to use static fields, you need to define custom variables, as follow:
- _custom_static_fields_pos : Where to position the fields on the results as 'begin' or 'end'
- _custom_static_fields_names : Array containing static fields names to be used on header.
Finally, to have static fields working properly you need to put them on the begging of the line as:
MainApp Production JackOfAllTrades google.com 443
Wrapping it all... Let's take below list with static fields for instance:
App1 Eric_Schmidt Mountain_View google.com 443
App2 Chris_Wanstrath San_Francisco github.com 443
Note that static fields and its headers names can NOT have spaces on it. The best you can use is '_' (underline) - I could'nt find a way to parse it without issues, hard to test all inputs; the less of evils... Going further and considering above list file, and as stated before, assuming you'd set custom static field variables, position and header names, example:
_custom_static_fields_names=("Id" "Chairman" "Headquarters")
Finally, using said list, you get:
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -l list
Id | Chairman | Headquarters | Host | Status | Expires | Days
App1 | Eric_Schmidt | Mountain_View | google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 58
App2 | Chris_Wanstrath | San_Francisco | github.com:443 | Valid | Mar 30 2022 | 298
Woo-hoo! Four day weekend, hun?!
-o : Sort/order output by column number (nth); reverse order with 'r', example:
-o2 : Sort results by column number 2
-or2 : Sort results in reverse order by column number 2
You can also order by two columns, like - order by column A then by column B, example:
-o1,4 : Sort by column number 2, then by column number 4
-or1,4 : Sort results in reverse order column number 2, then by column number 4
- Ignored depending on the output type
- Ignored if specified column number is out of bounds, example: used '6' on a run that yields a '5' columns output.
-F : Filter output by pattern, whenever it exists - void with '-'
Applies to any column or value, example:
-FValid : Show only lines that contains 'Valid'
-F-Unreachable : Do not show lines containing 'Unreachable'
-F-site1.com : Do not show lines containing 'site1.com'
-t : Output type. If not specified, 'tty' is assumed.
Pretty console *default
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 58
Delimiters gonna rule and delimit
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tcsv
google.com:443;Valid;Aug 2 2021;57
Eich tee eme ell. Lynx? Netscape?
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -thtml
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><title>ssl-pooch</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
<style type="text/css">
body {
margin: 1 0 0 2;
padding: 0;
font {
font:normal 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
table {
border:1px solid black;
font:normal 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
td {
border:1px solid black;
td.health {
th {
border:1px solid black;
font:bold 12px verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
tr {
border:1px solid black;
</style></head><body><br/><table><tr><th>Host</th><th>Status</th><th>Expires</th><th>Days</th></tr><tr><td>google.com:443</td><td class="health">Valid</td><td>Aug 2 2021</td><td>57</td></tr></table></body></html>
Get your gollie mask on! RFC 8559 compliant JSON
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tjson
[ { "Host" : "google.com:443","Status" : "Valid","Expires" : "Aug 2 2021","Days" : "57" } ]
AWS CloudWatch PutMetric custom var _custom_cw_namespace must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tcw
aws cloudwatch put-metric-data --metric-name "google.com" --dimensions "URL=google.com,Status=Valid" --namespace "SSL Monitoring" --value "57" --unit "days" --timestamp 1623017695
- _custom_cw_namespace should have CM namespace, example:
_custom_cw_namespace="SSL Monitoring"
CA Wily Introscope metric custom var _custom_wily_metric_path must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -twily
<metric type="IntCounter" name="Infrastructure|fmattos|SSL:google.com" value="57" />
- _custom_wily_metric_path is meant for metric path within Wily's tree, example:
_custom_wily_metric_path="Infrastructure|$(hostname -s)|SSL:"
Broadcom DX APM metric custom var _custom_dxapm_metricset must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tdxapm
{ "agent" : "Infrastructure", "host" : "fmattos", "metrics" : [ { "name" : "SSL|Validity:Days", "type" : "IntCounter", "value" : "57" },{ "name" : "SSL|Validity:Status", "type" : "IntCounter", "value" : "0" } ] }
- _custom_dxapm_metricset must be set to: metric tree name AND metric node. Example:
_custom_dxapm_metricset=("Infrastructure" "SSL|Validity")
Statds metric, suitable for DataDog and Influx custom var _custom_statsd_metric_name must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tstatsd
- _custom_statsd_metric_name holds the metric name, example:
Prometheus metric custom var _custom_prometheus_metricset must be set
- _custom_prometheus_metricset variable should be set as: include metadata (true/false) AND metric name AND label name, example:
_custom_prometheus_metricset=("true" "ssl_certificate_validation" "endpoint")
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tprometheus
# HELP ssl_certificate_validation SSL Certificates Days To Expiration
# TYPE ssl_certificate_validation gauge
ssl_certificate_validation{endpoint="google.com"} 57 1623171994
...or without metadata header, depending on the metricset value
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tprometheus
ssl_certificate_validation{endpoint="google.com"} 57 1623171994
Graphite metric custom var _custom_graphite_metric_name must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tgraphite
infrastructure.ssl.certificate.days.google_com 57 1623018363
- _custom_graphite_metric_name is the Graphite metric name, like:
ElasticSearch APM metric custom var _custom_esapm_metricset must be set
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -tesapm
{ "metricset" : { "tags" : { "infrastructure" : "ssl", "status" : "Valid" }, "timestamp" : "1623018377", "samples" : { "days.google_com" : { "value" : "57" } } } }
- _custom_esapm_metricset has the values of: master_label AND sample name, example:
_custom_esapm_metricset=("infrastructure" "ssl")
-e : Show extra info from certificate.
- cn : Certificate common name
- issuer : Certificate issuer
- serial : Certificate serial
./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -ecn
./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -ecn,serial
./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -ecn,serial,issuer
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -ecn,serial,issuer
Host | Issuer | CNAME | Serial | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | GTS | *.google.com | BFF10D86136F613D0300000000CC17DE | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 57
-S : Show certificate SANs, if any (output may get VERY ugly)
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s github.com -S
Host | Status | Expires | Days
github.com:443 (DNS:github.com, DNS:www.github.com) | Valid | Mar 30 2022 | 248
-n : Do not show header ** Ignored depending on the output type
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -n
google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 57
- Depends on sendmail (not quite, but yes)
-m : Send results by email
Custom variables must be set, as follow:
- _custom_mail_to : recipient's email/s. split multiple emails with commas, as: mail1,mail2
- _custom_mail_from : sender's email
- _custom_mail_subject : email subject
Did I say it not quite depends on sendmail? Yep. You can use telnet instead, obviously, assuming your mailhost can reply to EHLOs. If you want to use telnet for sending emails, you gotta set an additional custom variable:
- _custom_mail_usealtmechanism : settings for alternative telnet email mechanism; must have true|false, domain.com, mailhost_addr, mailhost_port
When it's first element is set to true, it will choose telnet for sending emails. Ex:
_custom_mail_usealtmechanism=("true" "company.com" "mailhost.company.com" "25")
-O : Save results to <file> *default to stdout
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -O results
$ cat results
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | Valid | Aug 2 2021 | 56
-E : Export certificate file to PWD/cert_files
Export the endpoint certificate to PWD/cert_files
- This is only valid when running against server or URL
You can also export server certificate chain by using argument 'c' with 'E' option, like:
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -Ec
This will export certificate chain on a single file, to export it on separated files, use 'C' as argument for 'E', like:
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com -EC
Certificate chain will be sabed to PWD/cert_files with a chain notation on the file name. In case you've choose to export it on separated files, each one will be indentified by the suffix server, intermediate or root
- This is only valid when running against a server
-d : Dump certificate 'interesting' info without much data handling
- Only valid when running against a single FILE
- Probably way too ugly output
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -f cert_files/google.com_443_server.cer -d
Certificate: google.com_443_server.cer
Version: 3 (0x2)
Serial Number: 01:67:5c:96:87:a5:05:fc:0a:00:00:00:00:f6:ea:cb
Issuer: C=US, O=Google Trust Services LLC, CN=GTS CA 1C3
Subject: CN=*.google.com
Valid Not Before: Jul 26 01:37:23 2021 GMT
Valid Not After : Oct 18 01:37:22 2021 GMT
X509v3 Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication
X509v3 Subject Alternative Name: DNS:*.google.com, DNS:*.appengine.google.com, DNS:*.bdn.dev, DNS:*.cloud.google.com, DNS:*.crowdsource.google.com, DNS:*.datacompute.google.com, DNS:*.google.ca, DNS:*.google.cl, DNS:*.google.co.in, DNS:*.google.co.jp, DNS:*.google.co.uk, DNS:*.google.com.ar, DNS:*.google.com.au, DNS:*.google.com.br, DNS:*.google.com.co, DNS:*.google.com.mx, DNS:*.google.com.tr, DNS:*.google.com.vn, DNS:*.google.de, DNS:*.google.es, DNS:*.google.fr, DNS:*.google.hu, DNS:*.google.it, DNS:*.google.nl, DNS:*.google.pl, DNS:*.google.pt, DNS:*.googleadapis.com, DNS:*.googleapis.cn, DNS:*.googlevideo.com, DNS:*.gstatic.cn, DNS:*.gstatic-cn.com, DNS:*.gstaticcnapps.cn, DNS:googlecnapps.cn, DNS:*.googlecnapps.cn, DNS:gkecnapps.cn, DNS:*.gkecnapps.cn, DNS:googledownloads.cn, DNS:*.googledownloads.cn, DNS:recaptcha.net.cn, DNS:*.recaptcha.net.cn, DNS:widevine.cn, DNS:*.widevine.cn, DNS:ampproject.org.cn, DNS:*.ampproject.org.cn, DNS:ampproject.net.cn, DNS:*.ampproject.net.cn, DNS:google-analytics-cn.com, DNS:*.google-analytics-cn.com, DNS:googleadservices-cn.com, DNS:*.googleadservices-cn.com, DNS:googlevads-cn.com, DNS:*.googlevads-cn.com, DNS:googleapis-cn.com, DNS:*.googleapis-cn.com, DNS:googleoptimize-cn.com, DNS:*.googleoptimize-cn.com, DNS:doubleclick-cn.net, DNS:*.doubleclick-cn.net, DNS:*.fls.doubleclick-cn.net, DNS:*.g.doubleclick-cn.net, DNS:dartsearch-cn.net, DNS:*.dartsearch-cn.net, DNS:googletraveladservices-cn.com, DNS:*.googletraveladservices-cn.com, DNS:googletagservices-cn.com, DNS:*.googletagservices-cn.com, DNS:googletagmanager-cn.com, DNS:*.googletagmanager-cn.com, DNS:googlesyndication-cn.com, DNS:*.googlesyndication-cn.com, DNS:*.safeframe.googlesyndication-cn.com, DNS:app-measurement-cn.com, DNS:*.app-measurement-cn.com, DNS:gvt1-cn.com, DNS:*.gvt1-cn.com, DNS:gvt2-cn.com, DNS:*.gvt2-cn.com, DNS:2mdn-cn.net, DNS:*.2mdn-cn.net, DNS:googleflights-cn.net, DNS:*.googleflights-cn.net, DNS:admob-cn.com, DNS:*.admob-cn.com, DNS:*.gstatic.com, DNS:*.metric.gstatic.com, DNS:*.gvt1.com, DNS:*.gcpcdn.gvt1.com, DNS:*.gvt2.com, DNS:*.gcp.gvt2.com, DNS:*.url.google.com, DNS:*.youtube-nocookie.com, DNS:*.ytimg.com, DNS:android.com, DNS:*.android.com, DNS:*.flash.android.com, DNS:g.cn, DNS:*.g.cn, DNS:g.co, DNS:*.g.co, DNS:goo.gl, DNS:www.goo.gl, DNS:google-analytics.com, DNS:*.google-analytics.com, DNS:google.com, DNS:googlecommerce.com, DNS:*.googlecommerce.com, DNS:ggpht.cn, DNS:*.ggpht.cn, DNS:urchin.com, DNS:*.urchin.com, DNS:youtu.be, DNS:youtube.com, DNS:*.youtube.com, DNS:youtubeeducation.com, DNS:*.youtubeeducation.com, DNS:youtubekids.com, DNS:*.youtubekids.com, DNS:yt.be, DNS:*.yt.be, DNS:android.clients.google.com, DNS:developer.android.google.cn, DNS:developers.android.google.cn, DNS:source.android.google.cn
CRL Distribution Point Full Name: URI:http://crls.pki.goog/gts1c3/zdATt0Ex_Fk.crl
CRL Authority Information Access: OCSP - URI:http://ocsp.pki.goog/gts1c3
Meh is it running? I wanna seeeee it...
-P : Show progress bar when running over a list
-i : Send results to instrumentation endpoint
- Custom variables must be set, as follow:
- _custom_instrumentation_addr : instrumentation endpoint server/URL
- _custom_instrumentation_cmd : command to be used for metric injection"
_custom_instrumentation_cmd="curl --silent -i -H \"Content-type: application/json\" -XPOST ${_custom_instrumentation_addr}"
-x : Debug execution. Ye ol' and ugly friend 'set -x'
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -x
++ command -v true
+ _rm_cmd=true
... [continues]
- All temporary files are left behind when '-x' is used, they can be useful.
-v : Version information
Some options and/or arguments are mutually exclusive and will either fail or be ignored.
choo choose local files...
There is a 'pseudo retry' function for whenever an endpoint is found unrechable, it can search for the correlated local certificate on the _local_certs_path - controlable by the variable _seek_local_certs - which should be true or false. Important to mention that said files should follow a specific naming pattern to be 'seen', that's the same naming convention used when exporting a certificate, like for example:
- server name and port: google.com 443
- local file should be named: google.com_443.cer
- URL: https://google.com/files/certificates/file
- local file should be named: google.com_files_certificates_file.cert
If that happens, endpoint unreachable AND _seek_local_certs is 'true' AND correlated file found on _local_certs_path, a notation as 'local' will be placed on the line to indicate date was pull from a local file, example:"
$ ./ssl-pooch.sh -s google.com
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 (local) | Valid | Oct 4 2021 | 50
Listing all of them et their meaning...
- _warning_notice : how many days should be considered warning? anything less than this set will be seen as a warning; set to 30 by default.
- _openssl_proxy : HTTP proxy to be used with OpenSSL * when available to OpenSSL (v2.0+)
- setting _openssl_proxy will make all calls run over the proxy
- if empty, will use ENV ALL_PROXY if available; and finally ignore if it's not set
- when proxy is set, discovery is skipped and all hosts are treated as live"
- _seek_local_certs : whether to seek or not for local certs when endpoint is unreacheable should be true or false
- _local_certs_path : where to seek for local files
- _custom_mail_usealtmechanism : use alternative email mechanism thru telnet? if not set, sendmail will be used. to be considered, this var should be set as: "true|false" "domain" "mailhost_addr" "mailhost_port" - obviously only considered if first element is 'true'
- _custom_mail_to : recipient's email/s. split multi-addr with commas, as: addr1,addr2.
- _custom_mail_from : sender's email
- _custom_mail_from_name : sender's name - if you want to show off - not mandatory
- _custom_mail_from_return_path : use different return path or reply-to?
- **_custom_mail_subject : email subject
- **_custom_mail_signature : email signature - must use HTML escaped code, example:
_custom_mail_signature="<p><span style=\"signature\">A Rocksome SSL Monitoring Tool</span></p>"
- custom_html_style : custom email stylesheet for HTML emails - must use HTML escaped code
- _custom_static_fields_pos : where to position static fields 'begin' OR 'end' of the line
- _custom_static_fields_names: static fields names to be used on headers
- _custom_wily_metric_path : CA WILY - apm metric path - to be used with correlated output
- _custom_dxapm_metricset : DX APM - DX apm metric set as: agent, metric tree name, metric node
- _custom_cw_namespace : AWS CLOUDWATCH - cw namespace
- _custom_statsd_metric_name : STATSD - statsd metric name
- _custom_graphite_metric_name : GRAPHITE - graphite metric name
- _custom_esapm_metricset : ELASTICSEARCH APM - elasticsearch set as: master_label, sample name
- _custom_prometheus_metricset : PROMETHEUS - metricset like - include metadata (true/false), metric name, label name
- _custom_instrumentation_addr : instrumentation endpoint URL
- _custom_instrumentation_cmd : send method and command
0 | mellow, clean/normal exit |
3 | missing dependency/var not set |
5 | malformed command |
8 | interrupted, INT caught |
13 | input/output/file error |
15 | FQDN file list related error |
- bash v3+
- openssl
- awk
- mktemp
- column
- sed
- fold
- wget
- bc
- perl* MacOS only
- sendmail* When sending email
- telnet* For alternative email mechanism
I've decided to build its Docker image based a CentOS crontab one, so one can use it to schedule job execution when needed. To run from docker, it will need to work with alternative email mechanism thru telnet - sorry, cannot make it much generic if using sendmail.
docker run -dt --name ssl-pooch fmattos/ssl-pooch:latest
$ docker exec -it ssl-pooch ssl-pooch -s google.com
Host | Status | Expires | Days
google.com:443 | Valid | Oct 4 2021 | 50
First, you may want to update container's TZ to reflect yours, it's shipped with America/Chicago by default.
- Suppose you want to use America/New_York as your timezone, so bash into the container
docker exec -it ssl-pooch bash
- Change localtime to your TZ
ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/New_York /etc/localtime
- Edit crontab file
vi /etc/crontab
If command goes too complex, many options and arguments for ex, you may want to create a wrapper script to call it from cron to keep it clean and safer. Your call.
- MacOS, BigSur 11, GNU bash, version 3.2.57 *created on
- RHEL, Maipo 8, GNU bash, version 4.2.46
- CentOS, Core 7, GNU bash, version 4.2.46
- Ubuntu, Focal Fossa 20.04 LTS, GNU bash, version 5.0.17
- So far, so good, so what?
- None that I am aware of. Let me know.
- 0.1, initial
- 0.2, added 'timeout' function for MacOS or Unix, depending on perl.
- 0.3, made temp files more 'meaningful' - as if it matters.
- 0.4, fixed bad coding. made 443 default port in case it's not provided.
- 0.5, added support for extra fields from cert.
- 0.6, added output types, csv/json/html.
- 0.7, added support for sending email alert.
- 0.8, added order-by and filter capabilities; CA Wily APM output type; handle all exits thru die function.
- 0.9, added statsd/prometheus/cloudwatch/graphite/esapm output; created a 'manual' (maybe it gone too far) and a quick help message.
- 1.0, added fqdn file list validation; added support to use static fields when running against a list
- 1.1, added support to parse SAML IdP Metadata XML certficate files; added (somehwhat) support to inject results to instrumentation endpoint; added support to grab certificate from a URL as a downloable resource; accepts proxy for openssl, when available, and when using it, tcp socket test will be ignored, cant run it over proxy.
- 1.2, added support to use alternative label when running against FQDN list. added support to connect to TLS mongodb. made possible to use a 'separator' on html output when running against a list. running against a list. fixed 'fold' for IdP certs with long lines. fixed few HTML bad codes. added option to show certificate SAN, output may get very ugly thou.
- 1.3, made possible to use telnet for sending mail - yeah a big makeshift; I needed it since I want to deliver this solution on a docker container, so I dont need to waste much time dealing with postfix/mta/etc. Added a 'wrap' to use a configuration file.
- 1.4, added SIGINT to timeout, I realized it was often leaving some zombies. added '-E' option for when running against single host or URL to 'Export' the endpoint certficate, spool folder set to _this_path/cert_files. created a pseudo 'retry' for whenever an endpoint is found unreachable, so the script can seek for related local cert on spool folder (_this_path/cert_files), controlable by custom var _seek_local_certs being true or false; important to mention that files should follow a specific naming pattern (more details on the manual), if that happens (endpoint unreachable and local file found), a notation as 'local' will be put on the line to indicate data is gotten from local file. changed the 'order by' functionality so it can accept up to 2 columns to order the results - like, order by a, then b.
- 1.5, added an option to show progress when running thru a list (-P), silly but some may use it. added a signature variable so it can be used on the end of email body, also silly. removed telnet output from terminal. possibility to change HTML email style by changing _custom_html_style var. improved manual.
- 1.6, fixed telnet mechanism for multiple rcpt addr. added a 'name' for 'email from'. changed 'export' feature to accept the arg 'c', meaning to download server cert chain in a single file or 'C' to export them in separated files. added support to DER files. added 'subject' as keyword for extra fields, yields to 'cn'. added '-d' option to dump cert details without much data handling (way too ugly but 'H' asked for it - hey 'H', howdy man?). enhanced fqdnshape, users arre mean and do weird things.