Copyright (C) 2023-2024 The Open Library Foundation
This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.
an alternative implementation of mod-consortia
intended to be used in conjunction with other
keycloak modules (e.g. mod-users-keycloak
, etc.).
APIs for Consortia module.
Consortia API provides the following URLs:
Method | URL | Permissions | Description |
GET | /consortia/{consortiumId}/tenants | consortia.tenants.collection.get | Gets list of tenants based on consortiumId |
GET | /consortia/{consortiumId}/user-tenants | consortia.user-tenants.collection.get | Gets list of user-tenants based on consortiumId |
GET | /consortia/{consortiumId}/user-tenants/{associationId} | consortia.user-tenants.item.get | Gets single user-tenant based on consortiumId and associationId |
GET | /consortia/{consortiumId} | consortia.consortium.item.get | Gets single tenant based on consortiumId |
GET | /consortia | consortia.consortium.collection.get | Gets list of consortia |
POST | /consortia | | Inserts single consortium |
POST | /consortia/{consortiumId}/tenants | | Inserts a single tenant based on consortiumId |
PUT | /consortia/{consortiumId}/tenants/{tenantId} | consortia.tenants.item.put | Update a single tenant name based on consortiumId and tenantId |
PUT | /consortia/{consortiumId} | consortia.consortium.item.put | Update consortium name based on consortiumId |
More detail about mod-consortia
- API can be found on API Docs.
- Schema architecture can be found on Consortia wiki-page: mod-consortia schema and ER diagram.
Institutional users should be granted the following permissions in order to use this Consortia API:
Compile with
mvn clean install
Run locally on listening port 8081 (default listening port):
Using Docker to run the local stand-alone instance:
DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=okapi_modules DB_USERNAME=folio_admin DB_PASSWORD=folio_admin \
java -Dserver.port=8081 -jar target/mod-consortia-keycloak*.jar
Build the docker container with:
docker build -t mod-consortia-keycloak .
See the built target/ModuleDescriptor.json
for the interfaces that this module
requires and provides, the permissions, and the additional module metadata.
Name | Default value | Description |
DB_HOST | postgres | Postgres hostname |
DB_PORT | 5432 | Postgres port |
DB_USERNAME | folio_admin | Postgres username |
DB_PASSWORD | - | Postgres username password |
DB_DATABASE | okapi_modules | Postgres database name |
KAFKA_HOST | kafka | Kafka broker hostname |
KAFKA_PORT | 9092 | Kafka broker port |
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | PLAINTEXT | Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT) |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client. |
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION | - | The location of the Kafka trust store file. |
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | - | The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled. |
ENV | folio | Logical name of the deployment, must be set if Kafka/Elasticsearch are shared for environments, a-z (any case) , 0-9 , - , _ symbols only allowed |
OKAPI_URL | http://sidecar:8081 | Okapi url |
SECRET_STORE_TYPE | EPHEMERAL | Defines the type of secret store to use. |
Name | Default value | Description |
KC_URL | Keycloak URL used to perform HTTP requests by KeycloakClient . |
KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID | folio-backend-admin-client | Keycloak client id |
KC_ADMIN_GRANT_TYPE | client_credentials | Defines grant type for issuing Keycloak token |
KC_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED | false | Enables TLS for keycloak clients. |
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH | - | Truststore file path for keycloak clients. |
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD | - | Truststore password for keycloak clients. |
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE | - | Truststore file type for keycloak clients. |
KC_LOGIN_CLIENT_SUFFIX | -login-application | Suffix of a Keycloak client who owns the authorization resources. |
SINGLE_TENANT_UX | false | Flag to enable single login UX with identity providers. |
KC_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_BASE_URL | - | Base URL to set up identity provider URLs with. |
KC_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_SUFFIX | -keycloak-oidc | Identity provider alias suffix. |
KC_IDENTITY_PROVIDER_DISPLAY_SUFFIX | Keycloak OIDC | Identity provider display name suffix. |
Name | Default value | Description |
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_REGION | - | The AWS region to pass to the AWS SSM Client Builder. If not set, the AWS Default Region Provider Chain is used to determine which region to use. |
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_USE_IAM | true | If true, will rely on the current IAM role for authorization instead of explicitly providing AWS credentials (access_key/secret_key) |
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT | - | The HTTP endpoint to use for retrieving AWS credentials. This is ignored if useIAM is true |
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_PATH | - | The path component of the credentials endpoint URI. This value is appended to the credentials endpoint to form the URI from which credentials can be obtained. |
Name | Default value | Description |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TOKEN | - | token for accessing vault, may be a root token |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ADDRESS | - | the address of your vault |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ENABLE_SSL | false | whether or not to use SSL |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_PEM_FILE_PATH | - | the path to an X.509 certificate in unencrypted PEM format, using UTF-8 encoding |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | - | the password used to access the JKS keystore (optional) |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH | - | the path to a JKS keystore file containing a client cert and private key |
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PATH | - | the path to a JKS truststore file containing Vault server certs that can be trusted |